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Closing a room [on all user's machines]


Level 4

here i am, in a AFCS session and having the UserRoles.OWNER for it and ready to close the room. i hit ConnectSession.logout(); which is fine, it works. But only for me, as the OWNER of a room i want to be able to send a message to every client in the room to logout() of theirs too, or possibly do it remotely for them. just close the room for all current clients

how's that done?

3 Replies


Former Community Member


One way to do is for the owner to set the roomState property in RoomManager to RoomSettings.ROOM_STATE_ENDED when he logs out , and that every user  listen to RoomManagerEvent.ROOM_STATE_CHANGE and logout when the roomState is RoomSettings.ROOM_STATE_ENDED.

The required API's are all in RoomManager class.

Hope this helps.


Hironmay Basu



RoomManager has a couple of properties that you can "touch":

                       _roomMgr.endMeetingMessage = _message.text;

                       _roomMgr.roomState = RoomSettings.ROOM_STATE_ENDED;

endMeetingMessage is a string you can set to the appropriate message to display to your users (and in the client you can read it when you receive the ROOM_STATE_CHANGE event.

roomState can be set to ROOM_STATE_ENDED, and that will force the meeting to end.

Give it a try (but don't take my words for it, and look at the documentation)


Level 4

thanks guys, saw those props but just wanted to make sure first.