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Clear SimpleChat history as a non-owner


Former Community Member

How can I clear the history of a SimpleChat pod without being in an owner role?

simpleChat.model.clear() only works if the owner is trying to clear the chat message history.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Forgot the node configuration, that is something like this:

nodeConfiguration = {

     "accessModel" => RTC::UserRole::VIEWER,

     "publishModel" => RTC::UserRoleVIEWER,

     "persistItems" => true,

     "modifyAnyItem" => false,

     "userDependedItems" => false,

     "sessionDependentItems" => false,

     "itemStorageScheme" => RTC::NodeConfiguration::STORAGE_SCHEME_QUEUE,

     "allowPrivateMessage" => true


then you can pass it to the createNode method, as it's done in the ActionScript code.

Make sure you set all the properties according to your particular chat configuration.

View solution in original post

6 Replies


Former Community Member

You can not clear history without being an owner because the chat is a collaborative one. If a non-owner is allowed, then he will clean other user's history as well.

So, to clear history, you need to be an owner.


Hironmay Basu


Former Community Member

Yeah, the idea here is that any normal user isn't allowed to modify or

delete someone else's chat - this is controlled by the

NodeConfiguration.modifyAnyItem field for that node (otherwise, an evil

hacker could rewrite or remove what you said!).

One thing you could consider is using server-to-server calls to remove the

node and re-add it. Your client could call your server, then route the calls

to us, logged in with your dev credentials (so, OWNER).

hope that helps,



Former Community Member

Thanks. I understand why it's not ideal.

If I did want to allow any publisher to be able to clear the chat messages, could just enable "modifyAnyItem" on the history node of simpleChat? Would simpleChat.model.clear() work then?


Former Community Member

To my own question. No, it doesn't look like that works even if "modifyAnyItem" is checked.

Do you have an example of using the API to remove and then re-add a node?

I see how simpleChat.model.clear() clears the history:

if (_collectionNode.isSynchronized && _collectionNode.canUserConfigure(_userManager.myUserID)) {
                _collectionNode.createNode(HISTORY_NODE_EVERYONE, new NodeConfiguration(UserRoles.VIEWER, UserRoles.VIEWER, true, false, false, _isClearAfterSessionRemoved, NodeConfiguration.STORAGE_SCHEME_QUEUE, _allowPrivateChat));
                _collectionNode.createNode(HISTORY_NODE_PARTICIPANTS, new NodeConfiguration(UserRoles.PUBLISHER, UserRoles.VIEWER, true, false, false, _isClearAfterSessionRemoved, NodeConfiguration.STORAGE_SCHEME_QUEUE));
                _collectionNode.createNode(HISTORY_NODE_HOSTS, new NodeConfiguration(UserRoles.OWNER, UserRoles.VIEWER, true, false, false, _isClearAfterSessionRemoved, NodeConfiguration.STORAGE_SCHEME_QUEUE));
                _messagesSeen = new Object();

but an example of how this would translate into the API would be helpful (I'm using the Ruby API, but whatever you might have it in is fine).



After you create an AccountManager object and login:

am.removeNode("roomName", "chatPodId", "history")

am.createNode("roomName", "chatPodId, "history")


Correct answer by

Forgot the node configuration, that is something like this:

nodeConfiguration = {

     "accessModel" => RTC::UserRole::VIEWER,

     "publishModel" => RTC::UserRoleVIEWER,

     "persistItems" => true,

     "modifyAnyItem" => false,

     "userDependedItems" => false,

     "sessionDependentItems" => false,

     "itemStorageScheme" => RTC::NodeConfiguration::STORAGE_SCHEME_QUEUE,

     "allowPrivateMessage" => true


then you can pass it to the createNode method, as it's done in the ActionScript code.

Make sure you set all the properties according to your particular chat configuration.