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Can you set up drop down menus with multiple line capability?


Level 2

I am putting together a performance review tool and instead of just a rating to pull down the team wants the rating and a sentence or two to populated.  When I try to put in a longer statement adding it to the list it get cut off or stops after so many characters.  Is there a way to make it work so it shows allthetext regardless of length?  Thois is a dynamic PDF form create in LiveCycle.

6 Replies


Level 10


No, the dropdown object and the listbox object will only display a single line of text.



Level 2

Thanks for the quick reply Niall! I wish it could support multiple lines.  So you seem very knowledgable and I was thinking of a work around.  Is it possible to use an "if then" statement in JavaScript in a form to look at one box and if it shows a value then put in one of five options in a text box or some other form part?  Just trying to get around the size limitation.


Level 10


One option would be to use the bound value of the dropdown. Select the dropdown and in the Object > Field palette type in the Display Value for each item on the list. This would be a short description to suit the width of the dropdown. Then in the Object > Binding palette, tick Specify Values. You can then input in your long description as the Bound Value for each item.

Lastly set the Binding to Global and drag on a TextField with the same name as the dropdown.

While the dropdown will display the Display Value, the textfield will display the .rawValue/Bound Value of the dropdown.

There is kind of an example here: http://assure.ly/fYCuQ2 and http://assure.ly/jtTkdO.

Make sense?



Level 2

Good Afternoon Niall,

You must work at Assure Dynamics if my memory serves me correctly given your Labrador avatar Koji.  Unfortunately I believe the bound value is currently being used to calcuate some scores further down in the document based upon the number in the drop down box so I do not think it would work.  Could we duplicate the drop down results  in another item we could bind to the text field?  Would you consider looking at my form to see if this is true?  I could post the form here or send it directly to you at Assure...


Level 10


You can send it and I will try and get to it when I can. It is going to be a few days. Alternatively you could upload it to Acrobat.com, Publish it and then share the published link here.

If there aren't too many items in the dropdown list, then maybe an if/else statement or a switch statement would be the way to go. You would test the .rawValue of the dropdown and then populate the textfield accordingly.

You could set up a hidden dropdown as a bridge, but I think that will be more work in the long run.

Hope that helps,


(Yes, Assure Dynamics)


Level 2

Hmm, you used to be able to attach forms on a discussion but it looks like that option is now gone.  I'll have to send it to you since the publish and link process is a mystery to me.  Thanks for your help.