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Can the Process interact with Form immediately after a user open a task ?


Level 3

Another question ,

    I want to change some value of a form immediately after a user open the task , because I don't know who will take this task , and I want to fill some fields according to the man who open it in the process ,such as the department , the name , telephone of the man etc.

    Is there any solution about this ?

Helpful answers are appreciated ! I do not hope there is someone will tell me "No , there is no solution for this problem !".


4 Replies


Level 10

Edit the action profile , under Presentation & Data (from the User step), and make sure to have a Prepare Data process.

A Prepare Data process is a proces that will run just before the form loads. It also give you a TaskContext as an input parameter which contain a bunch of information, like the user that's opening the task.

Just make sure to set the output  xml with the data that's going to be merged with the form.



Level 3

yes , I have prepared a data for the presentation & data , but how can I change the data for the presentation when the user open the task (i.e. before the form is opened and after the user opened the task ,)? I want to fill some fields of the form with the information of the user who open the task .


Level 10

You have access to the user that's opening the task in the Prepare Data process. If that doesn't work for you for what ever reason, you only option is to make a web service or OnFormReady or something like that.

But I'm convinced you can accomplish what you need in the Prepare Data process.



Level 2

Hi Jasmin

We have a similar problem here: we have a multiple task that is assigned to several group queues. Now as a user claims and opens the task, we would like to know to what GROUP this specific task was assigned originally - depending on the group, the guide within workspace should display different panels...

We have created a prepare data process for that task in order to write a display information into the guide's data. Unfortunately, in the task context variable the original task assignment is not visible (nor in any other task variable we looked at).

Do you have any suggestion how we might get this information (before the task is completed)?

Thanks and regards
