i have a dynamic form with three decimal fields:
grossamount (grossamount)
withholding percentage (fwpercent)
withholding amount (fwamount)
i have the following scripts:
form1.#subform[0].fwpercent::calculate - (FormCalc, client)
form1.#subform[0].fwamount::calculate - (FormCalc, client)
I want to be able to change either the amount and/or the percent and have it calculate the other as shown in the scripts. If I open the form and plug in 100 for gross amount, then 10 for percent, the script works correctly and 10 is then shown in w/h amount. If I then go to the fw amount field and change it to 20, the percentage field still shows 10. the results are the same if I do amount first, it will then change the percentage value but won't update amount if I then update percentage. It only will work for whatever I do first. Can I get the fields to always be dependent on eachother every time one of them is changed?