Hi guys,The following URL used to point to a WIKI page that describedthe steps for setting up Eclipse to launch the integrated JRun flexserver in debug mode so that it is able to debug server-side javacode.http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Flex_Enterprise_Services:DebuggingWhere is this informati...
Hi,In the FDS2 installation am unable to find the flex folder. Iam reinstalling the fds2. In the first installation flex folder wasthere but not in the second installation.ThanksSun
I'm trying to update a dataset using the Assember interfaceapproach. I'm able to get data no problem. When I try to update thedata however I get the following error: Could not invoke sync method on data adapter for destination'remember.projects' due to the following error: null.I'm obviously missing...
Is there anything in the licensing agreement for Flex DataServices (or any version of it) that would prevent someone fromhosting Flex Data Services for other RIA developers?
I've set up an application that gets data from a data serviceconfigured with a java-dao adapter. If I define a DataGridwith thearray populated by the fill method I see the data in thegrid. Cool.So I know I've configured and coded everything correctly.However, if I try to access the data with the fol...
I installed the Flex Data Services using the JRun option. Itinstalled fine, no errors. When I try to run Start Integrated FlexServer I am getting the following:Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 106363), default serverFlex OEM License for JRun enabled06/29 13:34:22 warning Unable to openC:\fds2\jru...
The code ran fine under beta3. I've changed the configurationfiles to match the new names, loaded in the new libraries and jarsand recompiled. However, when I attempt to call the fill() methodon my dataservice I get this error: (Please notice the reference toC:\dev\enterprise_beta3\frameworks\mx\dat...
We use a common base class to handle most Assembler functionswithout writing a separate DAO class for each destination. The onlytrouble we have in this design is using the API functions inAbstractAssembler which give no reference whatsoever to the Classof object to act on. One such function is getIt...
Will the data services wars not run in J2EE servers besidesJRun? When I try to deploy to my JBoss server, I get aClassNotFoundException: jrun.servlet.file.FileServlet upondeployement for both the flex and flex-admin wars. The class doesnot appear in the jars for either webapp's WEB-INF/libdirectory.