We are using the Cairngorm framework in our Flex 2.0 app. andhave now met a problem related to the resulthandling. If I tracethe result in the onResult handler in the Command class, the tracesonce the first time i call the service, two times the second, threetimes the third and so on. It might be re...
This is my first attempt to get ColdFusion and Flex 2 to talkto each other. It's based off of the "Hello World" example, only Icreated a query to populate a datagrid. It works real pretty on mylocal machine, but when I upload it to my server (a shared serverwith CF 7.0.2 running on it) I get the fol...
Can FDS & Flex Server 1.5 co-exist on the same server?This is not a long-term configuration but we will need to supportboth as we migrate all our Flex 1.5 apps to Flex 2. Does anyoneknow of any issues running both servers as standalone (not J2EE)installations?TIA,Rick...
Hi mydears of this world Here i come along with my problem with the hope that someone can resolve it i am totally new to flex and i am working only for the past3 days in flex. and i learned a little bit. i want to get the database values which is received fromjava object to flex datagrid with the he...
Background: I tried to mimic the ‘contact’ DataService example but can’t get my destination to instantiateon the server. I was able to get the contact sample working but mycustomized version is dead in the water.The error looks like this when I start up the JRUN server:At jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThrea...
Well i tried to do the most simple connection throughwebservices to coldfusion component , and i tried so many times andno result . if it's so hard to make simple connection to coldfusionso why spend mony on that ? I tried to find somthing simpleexamples to see how easy connect to coldfusion compone...
is it possible to return query data from a cfc back to flexusing the following : <cffunction name="getClientJobsQuery" access="remote"returntype="query"> <cfset myQuery=""> <cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="flexTrainingData"> SELECT projectID, projectName, description, contributor FROM projects </...
I am transfering float values from Java DTOs to correspondingAS objects using both FDS and remote objects. The Java float valueshave a precision of 4 decimal places (verified beforeserialization) yet when they are created in AS they have 16 decimalplaces with values extending throughout the 16 digit...
Ok I need a quick lesson on accessing various tags in a xmlfile and displaying them. I have a rather messy xml file thatdynamically created and the structure cannot be changed due to anExcel application that is already accessing it.Here's the xml:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"...