Hi everybody !I'm using ALC Designer 8.2I m tring to set the url of an image with this command when i click on a button : Image1.value.#image.href = "http://www.adobe.com/ubi/globalnav/include/adobe-lq.png"But when i click on the button, the image disappear. it doesn't work.Thanks
I have a radio button list of'a' has value of 1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5If 'a' is selected, I want its value of 1 to be assigned to X.If 'b' is selected, I want its value of 2 to be assigned to X.How do I code the above usingi) IF syntaxii) the switch { case syntax?Thanks.
I've created a form in livecycle and I want the security to be set up as such:1) A password is required to edit the form in LiveCycle AND2) People can print the pdf to "Adobe PDF"I've been able to create livecycle password access, but when I put a password on the LiveCycle Access (currently: Printin...
The concept of AFCS is now clear to me - and it’s looking good.Are there any specific standards regarding how collaborative interactions are defined that I should be taking into consideration?I would not want to reinvent the wheel if Adobe is planning some kind of interoperable schema. I realise 'in...
Hi,I have a dynamic table of user accounts, and the user can select a single account from that table. Each table row has a checkbox in the first column that the user can select, and, when selected, the index of that row is submitted to the form's java script object for further processing. Using th...
I have designed a LC form (with lots of JavaScript code).I just realized that the form can be viewed and completed within a browser or the Acrobat Reader.Since I have done all my testing with the Reader, my question is, "Can I expect the form to function the same, within a browser?"I'm assuming the ...
Is it possible to test for what day of the week was selected in a Date field using javascript?I have a script that checks if a "Day" radio button is checked and if so throws an error if the time entered is not between 6:00am and 3:30pm. I need to change the hours to between 6:00am and 2:30pm but onl...
Hi There,I thought I'd try to write a Script Object with Objects and Classes that I could re-use throughout my formIn my Script Object "scoTest" I created a basic Object:function TestObject(){ this.property1 = "a property"; this.property2 = "b property";}However on a button click event calling...