My form has a section (subform) on top that is always open and then below it it is dynamic and I want certain subforms and sections to open based on users input. I am using the action builder to open the form and have all the fields hidden, but I have way too many subforms and have to individually h...
Hello,We are developing set of forms using LiveCycle Designer. The forms are complex and need some involved JavaScripts. I found great feature where we can insert a script object to hold common JavaScript functions and use those anywhere in the form. However, as I need to create some 35 such forms, ...
Hello,I have a subform that is bound to a node in XSD which will have mutilate occurrences at runtime. The subform has just one textfield which prints the name of such item. My form has three pages and I need to use this same subform on Page 1 and Page2. Problem is that it works on Page1 but does no...
Afternoon All, We are getting errors when trying to deploy a newly imported LCA when the application was already running on the server. Environment: ES2.5 All recent SP's and QF's applied. Windows 2k8 R2, MS SQL 2005 Details: We already had a deployed version of the application. I wanted to release ...
Hi,I am not sure if it's possible, but I am having trouble changing the check mark color of a checkbox in a static PDF. It works fine if the PDF is dynamic, but it craps out when the PDF is static.Is there a workaround? I don't have to change it dynamically based on user interaction, the client ju...
So I have a project I have been working on for a few months, wrapping my head around Flex to get to LCCS because I felt the price was right and the capabilities were strong. I have been sensing blood in the water over this with the recent Flash/Flex changes , but SDK's have been rolling along. So ...
I have a button that has following code on the click event._SubFormS.setInstances(0);Last week I added following code on the Exit event of the;For some reason, I have to click twice to set instance to 0. It never happened before. If I comment out code on E...
Hi Experts,I have interactive form with submit button, which will call web service if it is clicked. The issue we had here is that the form doesn't stop the user from clicking the submit button twice (or more than one time). In result, we got duplicates entries.Q: 1. Is there a (standard) technique ...
I have made a form that has an add button and remove button in a subform. Currently when the remove button is clicked on in any instance it removes the first instance. What is required to have the remove button remove the subform it sits within?
Hi there,I have a form that depending on which option you choose at the top of the form, it will display one set of fields in a subform and hide the other set of fields in a subform. Ergo leaving room for more fields to fit on the first page.Is there something that I can do to make the first subform...