Good dayThis relates to an error we are experiencing on Adobe Livecycle where xml files being processed (from stage folder) is not removed from this folder due to an error noticed.We checked the standard log files and can confirm that the xml files do actually process but it generates the following ...
Hello everybody,Is it possible to insert leaders dynamically in a table in Adobe LiveCycle Designer?I work with SAP Interactive Forms. Through this interface, I fill a table in Adobe LiveCycle Designer via a report. Now I want to insert leaders (dots) in the table space as seen on the screenshot.Th...
Need to set a numeric field (Late Fee) if the Current Date is past a set date (3/31/17). To test in Preview mode, I was using the set date as 1/1/17. This is for a recreational softball registration form. If the user prints the form after 3/31/17, then the Late Fee of $10.00 will auto-populate in...
schlechte Qualität der Signatur als Bild, was mach ich falsch? Habe ein reinweisses Papier gewählt, schwarzer Kugelschreiber, gescannt mit 600dpi. Als .tif importiert habe ich die korrekte Auswahl der Signatur aber extreme Unschärfe und inhomogene Schwärzung.Im Bild ein Ausschnitt der Signatur. Oben...
Bonjour,Y a-t-il possibilité de faire suivre un formulaire automatiquement lorsqu'il y a plusieurs niveaux de signataires?C'est-à-dire le premier signe et automatiquement il est envoyé au deuxième, ainsi de suite jusqu'au destinataire sans qu'ils aient à enregistrer chaque fois?Merci
I have a PDF form created in Adobe LiveCycle Designer Enterprise Suite 4. I need to make the text "shrink-to-fit" in a text field. I've tried setting the font size to zero, setting the Field Format to Rich Text on the Object/Cell tab, and checking Expand to Fit on the layout tab. When I Preview P...
Hi everyone,I hope I'm in the right forum.I'm trying to import the outlook adressbook into my interactive offline form in SAP with javascript and display it in a dialog box.I've tried to achieve this by using ActiveXObjects, but the import of the adressbook failed. I countn't find any other approach...
I use Adobe LiveCycle reader Extensions to put the Draft level (draft or final).I ask if there is a method to know if i put the PDF in draft level or final level for identify it after with a watemark inside form.
I am trying to modify a form to add a button that takes values from fields that will be populated by the user and then send an email using these fieldscurrently I have the following script:var vTo = ""var vCC= xfa.resolveNode("RequestorEmail").rawValue;var vSubject = "Purchase Request #: " + xfa.res...
Today's update will not allow 01/01/2017 to be used as a date in a form. Tried on several computers on my network. Users were able to use 01/01/2017 on forms yesterday before the update.