Hello.I have a question regarding TaskSearchFilter.addCondition() methodhttp://livedocs.adobe.com/livecycle/es/sdkHelp/programmer/javadoc/com/adobe/idp/taskmanager/dsc/client/query/TaskSearchFilter.html#addCondition%28%29How to use this method with operator "IN" (Operator.IN) ?Let's say we what to l...
I see there are a lot of discussions that are not answered in this forum, so I am guessing this will go unanswered as well. But I am looking for a solution for the issue in the subject. I have a simple PDF form built in LiveCycle that I am populating with Coldfusion. Once the form is populated I th...
I have a form I created in ES2. The layout is landscape on legal size paper. When a user opens the form, the default print settings of their reader appear to take precedent over the page layout settings I created. Is there a way to preserve the page layout in the design when a user opens?I am fai...
I've created a .pdf form which includes many types of dropdown menus, text boxes, radio buttons, etc..All the non-radio buttons export properly to the 'report.csv' file when using Forms>Manage Form Data>Merge Data Files into SpreadsheetFor example, I have a customer field that comes accross as fil...
Hi,I have two PDFs, which are designed using Lice Cycle and first I want to fill in some data in it (use of XFA forms and not acro forms) and then the resultant byte arrays, I need to merge to produce a combined PDF.Is there any stand alone java library (not the one executing in JEE evvironment ) fr...
Hello guys,Im getting this error very often, is there any solution to this?Error: Item requested is not available. A request for the item is now pending. at mx.data::ConcreteDataService/resolveReference()[C:\depot\DataServices\trunk\frameworks\projects\data\src\mx\data\ConcreteDataService.as:2203...
HiI have a dropdown and it has 3 values in it and I have 3 subforms(min count=0, max count=1).Based on the selection of the dropdownIf value is 1, I am adding an instance of subform 1If value is 2, I am adding an instance of subform 2 and deleting the instance of subform 1and so on. This functionali...
Thr Form is designed using Adobe Livecycle designer 8.1 & ES2. Please let us know if Rich text box has the capability to copy and paste images. If yes what is the impact on size; if no let us know if this feature will be available in the future version of Adobe release and when?
Hi people. I have one simple question here. I made a PDF form and distrubute it to many clients. Now I want to update it, say, change the content of a rolling list or something like that. I prefer to do it on my side, for example, I put a XML file on a server and when my clients open this PDF, it wo...
Hi, I'm trying to use Events in my processes, what I did was: creating a new event type, assigning to it a XSD, then adding an event "Receive" to one process and another event "Throw" to another process, the good news is that everything went as I expected but the bad news is that I had an exception ...