I have a few text fields that I want to set the background, or fill color to a different color when the form opens. I want these fields (not the captions) to stand out from the others, rather than making them required fields.I tried this method with JavaScript in the field's initialize event, but t...
Hello,I created a form using LiveCycle, and it consists of a series of check boxes on the left side of the screen. It has been set up so you can only check one of those boxes.However, the issue is, that when you select a box and save the document, no matter what you selected, when you reopen the fi...
I'm working on an employee Weekly Expense Report that contains a list of expense amounts, and each can be marked as a company or employee paid expense. There are two fields on the form that need to show the totals for Company and Employee paid expenses. There are seven columns for amounts, one for...
HI,I have a form made with LC Designer and l have 1 date/time field.I want display only 2 particulars months on the calendar.Is this possible ?I think with javascript, but i don't found anythink that will help meRegardsPierre
Hi, I am trying to convert three decimals numbers in to word that would display against the amount calculated on a Invoice form .Currently i am using the below code for two decimal places however I have added a drop down for three decimal currencies like OMR & BHD Omani Rials & Bahraini Dinars res...
I read the discussion on this function and created a sample form to test the code before implementing it in my main form but I can't get it to work.This is what I put in the "preOpen" of the Drop Down list: form1.DropTest.DropDownList3::preOpen - (JavaScript, client)// First clear the items from the...
Hello Gurus,when I openan form in Live cycle Designer, to hyde a Field, i get 3 confusing options.InvisibleHidden (Exclude from Layout)Inactive (exlcude from processing)I m not Quite sure which option is the best option to choose.at the moment, we have webservices for these fields which have alogic ...
The keep drawing feature for objects is missing. When I right click on an object in the object tool palette and select view, "keep drawing", doesn't appear. I have never seen this feature but it's supposed to be there. I am using ES4.Thanks for your help.
Hi, I wanna show the author of a form in a text field. The form that i send to another user must be filled.and i must get the name of that user in text field.I am beginner in livecycle.
I have created a form with dynamically determined number of rows. Each row has a dropdown list field that is initially empty. I want to add the user entry to the list to be used in the field in the rows that follow.