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Auto fit text boxes to not save correctly


Former Community Member


I posted this in the wrong forum I think - so I am reposting this here.  Mods please on or the other if this a problem.

I have a form where I have a text box on a positioned page that is set up in the following way

- allow multiple lines - object>field options

- expand to fit - Layout options.

- I do have a height specified as a default.

- this.maxH - ""; - is scripted to shrink the box to the smallest size possible based on the text value.

- this is a dynamic form

It works as designed when test the PDF in reader or acrobat.  I have enabled user rights to save the document in acrobat.

The problem is that when I add some text to the textbox, save the document, then reopen it - it collapses the text to one line and shifts the position up.  I have wrapped this in subfrom and set it to flowed, but that made no chance.  I wonder if there is a conflict with the this.maxH script and auto height.

Any ideas - thanks in advance to any all help.

2 Replies


Level 5

Have you got the script-based state changes on under Form Properties->Defaults->Scripting->Automatically? Otherwise do you have scripting on any initialise event which would interfere with the state of the save form?


Former Community Member

HI and thank you for a response...

I do have automatically checked.  Enforced strict scripting is also checked.

PDF render is set format is set to - dyunamic xml form.

I do not have anything the initalize section that speaks to save state... anything else?