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Assign multiple principal to an application from adminui


Former Community Member

I am trying to add principals to an application from adminui, it seems i have to do it one by one:

Click Add Principal -> select a group/user -> select invoke_perm and click Add and repeat the process if more than 1 principal is required.

But I have a few groups needed to add to the application, is there a way that I can add multiple principal to the application? Thanks.

2 Replies


Level 10

I'm not sure I understand you question, but you could add the users to the group and just add the group to the application.

That way if you need to add a new user, you don't have to change all the applications that are using that group.



Former Community Member

I will need to add multiple groups to the application, so I would like to find a easier way to add groups instead of doing one by one.