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Assemble XDP with fragments :: No repository resource found (PDFM_W00009)


Level 3


I have a XDP, which refers to many fragments. Everything is stored in the repository ALC (AEM Forms 6).

Main XDP (formName.xdp) in: repository://MYFORMS/formName.xdp

Content of  formName.xdp form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xfa generator="Designer_V6..." APIVersion="..."?>

<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp=...>


<subform usehref="repository:\\FRAGMENTS\MYFRAGMENT1.xdp#som($template....)" x="..." y="...">

<subform usehref="repository:\\FRAGMENTS\MYFRAGMENT2.xdp#som($template....)" x="..." y="...">

<subform usehref="repository:\\FRAGMENTS\MYFRAGMENT3.xdp#som($template....)" x="..." y="...">


<subform usehref="repository:\\FRAGMENTS\MYFRAGMENTN.xdp#som($template....)" x="..." y="...">



Render form in HTML5 (default profile) -> OK

http://alchost:8080/lc/content/xfaforms/profiles/default.html?contentRoot=repository://repository/MY... formName.xdp

Render form programmatically (as PDF) (FormsService.renderPDFForm(...)) via webService api (http:// alchost:8080/soap/services/FormsService?wsdl&...) -> OK

But with the Assembler Service does not work... my simple ddx file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">

    <XDP result="out.pdf">

        <XDP source="formRenderAndFlatten.xdp" />



The error that provides the service:

com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.RepositoryURLConnection PDFM_W00009: No repository resource found for url : "repository://FRAGMENTS/MYFRAGMENT1.xdp "com.adobe.repository.bindings.dsc.client.ResourceRepositoryClientException: ALC-REP-018-000: Resource [/FRAGMENTS/MYFRAGMENT1.xdp] does not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to access it.

    at com.adobe.repository.bindings.dsc.client.ResourceRepositoryClient.readResource(ResourceRepositoryClient.java:494)

    at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.cache.CacheService.readRepositoryResource(CacheService.java:420)

    at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.RepositoryURLConnection.getInputStream(RepositoryURLConnection.java:90)

    at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1037)

No reposotory resource found, but resource exist, and administrator user can read it.

The service is not able to resolve the fragments and fails. In all cases I used the same XDP and fragments (HTML5 / PDF via webService).

My question is is there any way to tell Assembler (in DDX file) that automatically resolves all referenced in the XDP fragments? how?


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