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Another Datequestion please advise?


Level 2

After reading most of the Date messages I still couldn't find were I was looking for.

I am new to LiveCycle and hope to learn from you guys!

I presume it is very simple but unfortunately I do not know any formcalc or Java.

Could anyone please help me with a step-by-step instruction to achieve the following:

I have a Date/Time Field  that is filled in by the user of the form.

The field is a Date/Time Field with bindingname Keurdatum

Now I would have another Date/Time Field with bindingname Herkeurdatum

that should automatically show the filled in date by the user added with 1 year

For example User enters: 02-10-2011 in the Keurdatum field.

in the Herkeurdatumfield automatically it shows 01-10-2012

I would be very pleased if any one could help me with this question!

Jan Willem

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10


it's hard to say, what's wrong in your form without seeing it.

Anyway, here's a sample for you.


View solution in original post

6 Replies


Former Community Member

I hope this helps...

On your form, place two invisible textfields named Year and  Date respectively.

In the Year Field calculate event (use Formcalc), place this :

If(Keurdatum.rawValue >"") then

$.rawValue =(Substr(Keurdatum.rawValue,0,4)+1)


$.rawValue eq ""


In the Date Field calculate event (use Formcalc), place this :

If(Keurdatum.rawValue >"") then

$.rawValue =Substr(Keurdatum.rawValue,5,6)


$.rawValue eq ""


In the Herkeurdatum (or the field you want to add a year to) place this (in FormCalc) calculate event:

$.rawValue =concat(Year.rawValue,Date.rawValue)


Level 10


here's another method.

It also considers leap years.

if (Keurdatum ne null) then

     var nDate = Date2Num(Keurdatum.formattedValue, "DD.MM.YYYY")

     var nYear = Num2Date(nDate, "YYYY")

     var nMonth = Num2Date(nDate, "MM")

     var nDay = Num2Date(nDate, "DD")

     $ = Num2Date(Date2Num(Concat(nDay, ".", nMonth, ".", nYear + 1), "DD.MM.YYYY")- 1, "DD.MM.YYYY")


Put this FormCalc script into the layoutReady:Event of the field Herkeurdatum.


Level 2

Thank you all, I am going to try both solution and inform you when things are working!

Your help is highly appreciated!

Jan Willem


Level 2

Srini; Radzmar;

Srini first of all I would like to thank you for your help solving my GHOST page problem!

It worked flawlessly. Here is the proof that i am a true beginner!

Still have my date related problem. I have posted the form again with the code on its place.

Also I have added the code on the Herkeuringslocation in the calculate event (formcalc)

and also (as the Radzmar advised) in the LayoutReady-event of Herkeurdatum.

I have tried everything but must be missing something.

Both field are on page 2 of the form,

Keurdatum is linked to other Keurdatum- fields (global setting) could that has anything to do with my problem?

Again a big thank you for your help! Highly appreciated!

Jan Willem


Correct answer by
Level 10


it's hard to say, what's wrong in your form without seeing it.

Anyway, here's a sample for you.



Level 2


Worked great! The problem was the link to local fields with the global function.

When I isolated the fileds all worked perfect!

Thank you all for helping me out!


Jan Willem