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ADEP Designer 10 - Help does not work


Level 1

I recently installed ADEP Dedigner 10 (before i used Livecycle Designer ES2),

When i now press F1 to get the Help function nothing happens the only thing is that the application is getting freezed for a couple of seconds.

In the folder which seems to be responsible for the Help function (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform\Designer 10.0\Documentation\EN) is no file exceipt of "Readme.htm". In the same folder in Livcecycle Deigner ES2 there is a "Designer.chm" Help file which is opened when F1 is pressed?

Has anybody a solution for me to get the help function working?

4 Replies


Level 2

Are you connected to the internet?  When you press F1 in Designer 10 is brings up Adobe Community Help



Level 1

Yes my computer is connected to internet. For example when i click on "Adober Developer Connection" in the help menu the Adobe Dev site is opened.

I have no idea why the F1 help isn't...


Level 1

Yes when i hit your posted link the ADEP Designer help opens.