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Acrobat Help | Certified Document Services


Level 2

This question was posted in response to the following article: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/certified-document-services.html

9 Replies


Level 1

how to use this function xfa.host.exportData("",0);

can any one tel me with example pls.i tried its not worked for me


Level 3

You might try asking in a LiveCycle Designer forum.  Please be sure to include

- what you tried

- what you expected to happen

- what actually happened

Also whether you have read the documentation, or whether you need help finding it.


Level 1

Dear Forums,

I want to store XML deatils directly in my local sysytem. I dont want that email client option pop up window.

when we click that SAVE XML button after filling form. need to store directly in my local sysytem.

i tried this  xfa.host.exportData("",0); function but its not worked for me. can any one please help on this?

this isthe link for pdf form.



Level 6

Could you confirm is the PDF has applied with the reader extentions?

"exportData" function is reader extended feature. If PDF applied the extentions or open in Acrobat(NOT reader alone) it will work. That button click opens a pop-up window to save the xml file into local system.


Level 1

Dear Raghu Nagireddy,

How to  check PDF has reader extension..please tell me briefly. i want to store direcly in my system . that is my target.

Best regards,



Level 6

From the PDF in above link it is designed in LC Designer 10. When u open in Adobe Reader it wil not have the Extended features. To apply this Reader Extentions u need to have licence. Please check the attached image for the differences.

For more details check the below threads.



Hope this helps.

Reader Extensions Vs Normal.JPG


Level 1

Dear Raghu Nagireddy,

You are mentioning To apply this Reader Extentions u need to have licence. . Ok now i want to buy license for this. so please tell me what can i do further?

1.which software license i want to buy? adobe livecycle or adobe acrobat?

please tell me for this,

Best Regards,



Level 6

This is based on your requirement and usage volume. i may not have answer for this. It should be run thru your company and Adobe or any other third party providers for estimation/quotes based on ur needs.

Please check the below threads for more information.

http://datalogics.com/products/pdfjt/#pdfjtre (http://forums.adobe.com/message/4806073#4806073)

