Hi there,
I am trying to produce a 2-column layout in my form.
The problem is: These columns stretch over more than one page and I just cannot get the page breaks right.
I have a flowed layout with two adjacent subforms which form my columns. In these column subforms I fill lots of data from XML.
Problem 1 is: At the end of the page I miss about 5 lines. They vanish in the page break.
Problem 2 is: My second column starts getting filled only on the second page (which happens to be the page where the first column ends).
I also tried this with one table with exactly one row. But there all lines after the first page disappear and I get empty pages instead.
Has anyone ever come across this problem?
What is a good safe way to build dynamic 2-column forms?
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You won't be able to flow beyond the one page and then go back to a previous page .....the data woudl have to be split up so that the complete layout of a page woudl have to occurr before moving to the next page.
You cannot go back in the layout after a page has been completed....sorry it just cannot do that.
So is the goal to continue column 1 on Page 2 or at the top of column 2 on Page 1 (like a newspaper)?
Hi Paul,
the former. It is NOT like in a newspaper where the content runs from left to right from one column into the next and finally into the leftmost column of the next page.
Im my case the content of the 2 columns is completly separat from each other: The data in the left column is distincly left-column-only data. As is the data in the right column distinctly right-column-only data.
Actually it is not even sure, that the left column is longer than the right.
It is absolutly o.k. to have 3 pages where the left column is empty and only the right column is filled.
An example would be: Technical data of two articles to be compared: Left is the Mercedes-data and right is the BMW-data.
You won't be able to flow beyond the one page and then go back to a previous page .....the data woudl have to be split up so that the complete layout of a page woudl have to occurr before moving to the next page.
You cannot go back in the layout after a page has been completed....sorry it just cannot do that.
Sorry to hear that - but it sounds reasonable.
I chose the second best choice and force the data into a more tabular format. Doesn't look as good. But that just are the technical limitations.
Thanks a lot for the answer!