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1000-room limit being accidentally enforced?


Level 2

We have been creating rooms in bulk with the Ruby api.  After we got to 1000 we started getting 403s.  We are also unable to create rooms through the Room Console.

Since we have exactly 1000 we guessed it might be a limit.  To check, we deleted a room and later, were able to create one.  We were subsequently not able to create another.

So, although our understanding was that there is no limit on the number of rooms, it sure seems like there is one.

2 Replies



I just tried and created 2000 rooms with no problems.

Could it be that you have already created those rooms and you are getting an error 403 because the room already exists ?

This may explaine the 1000 rooms limit. Because if you call listRoom() and your account has more than 1000 rooms I am only returning the first 1000 (as I said before listing room is an expensive and long operation).

So, maybe you have already created those rooms a long time ago, but you don't see them when you "list" them. That would explain why if you delete one of those rooms you can recreate it.

You can try creating rooms with random names (or guid) and you'll probably see that the operation suceeds.


Level 2

I just tried making some rooms with the room console and was successful.  I am not sure why we had trouble doing so earlier.

The behavior of listRooms that you described does explain why our efforts to create rooms through the api were unsuccessful after the first 1000.