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Submit by Email function


Former Community Member
I have created a form using the Submit by email button. When testing the function I get this text as the default body of the email. Where can I change this as I want the people filling out this form to see custom information.

The attached file contains data that was entered into a form. It is not the form itself.

The recipient of this data file should save it locally with a unique name. Adobe Acrobat Professional 7 or later can process this data by importing it back into the blank form or creating a spreadsheet from several data files. See Help in Adobe Acrobat Professional 7 for more details.
158 Replies


Level 4
Re: changing the name of the attachment.

There hasn't been much of any answer on this one, but I do note that the name of the attachment appears to be derived from the name of the form (e.g., "Request Form.pdf" gives "Request Form_data.xml"). With that realization, perhaps a simple solution is to rename the form?? (I'd rather be able to control the name programmatically, but no one seems to know how to do that).


Level 4
Susan -

In outlook, maybe the senders could check the box requesting a delivery receipt? You could remind them to do that in the submission email's body. A bit kludgy, but it's a thought . . . .


Former Community Member
When I email a pdf file to a client to be filled out and returned to me, the Submit by email button will not work. I have my email address in the correct location and I even tried the Submit button and it still will not email back to me.... why?! This is very frustrating. I work in an environment that we have our own server, does something need to be placed on the server or is it some settings within the program I am using, which is LifeCycle. Please Help!!


Former Community Member
When I email a pdf file to a client to be filled out and returned to me, the Submit by email button will not work. I have my email address in the correct location and I even tried the Submit button and it still will not email back to me.... why?! This is very frustrating. I work in an enviroment that we have our own server, does something need to be placed on the server or is it some settings within the program i am using, which is LifeCycle. PLease Help!!


Level 7
>When I email a pdf file to a client to be filled out and returned to me, the Submit by email button will not work

Maybe he has just Reader, and you're trying to send a PDF. Work with

form data.

Email can't be said to be reliable. Millions of people couldn't send

you an email. Server solutions, written by a web programmer, like ASP,

CGI, PHP, are the way to go - but do need those web programming


Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
Thanks for the info.


Former Community Member

Did you do the following steps after saving your form?

- Open the form in professional 8.0 (not livecycle designer)

- Go to the Advanced option on the toolbar and select "Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader" which will require you to save the file again.


Former Community Member
Instead of using the E-mail Submit Button, use a standard button.

Select the button.

On the Object Palette / Field Tab / Control Type Radial button select "Submit".

A new "Submit" tab will be shown.

In the Submit to URL field type "mailto:any@emailaddress.com". If you only type "mailto:" the email message will populate and you can type the email address.

If you want to send the entire PDF you must change the Submit As option to PDF as the default is XML Data Package (XDP).


I dont' have THIS selection on my OBJECT. all I have is a FIELD tab, and there is no where to change to a .PDF.



Former Community Member

Just to make sure, on your field tab.

The Type is listed as "Button"? And the Control Type has Submit selected?

What version of designer are you using?


Former Community Member
Thanks James,

ok, got that. Must have missed the .pdf option was only in BUTTON. Seems like it should be in the email submit button too.

Can't seem to be receiving the email to my other email address.

Do I need to put the Quotation marks around the MAILTO: LIKE THIS:

"mailto:me@mysite.com" ?

While on buttons, can I create a button that would save the form to my customers desktop, so he'd have a copy before sending?


Former Community Member
You don't want the quotation marks so it should be like this:


As for buttons to save the pdf, I'm sure there is a way to do it using code, but I don't know how. Sorry can't help you with that one.


Former Community Member
oh, forgot. I'm using Designer 7.0


Former Community Member
Hi All,

my issue is slightly different. I have created the form and distributed it and returns come in fine to collect the data. However, in addition I have 4 text fields in the form that if filled in I want the user to be able to e-mail that text to anyone in my company using outlook. I would settle for e-mailing the completed form that includes the info in the text fields, but it would be slick if I could e-mail just the information they need in the text field.

Any thoughts? Oh - designer 8



Former Community Member

Look up at post #4 by Chris T in this thread. Check out his link as well. You can use code with an If Else statement to tell the form if those four fields are not empty, send the form to who ever you want, else just you. You can also use code to set the presence property of all of the fields (other than the 4 you want visible) to invisible (I think it would be something like this:)

if (Field1.rawValue == null){

RateAmountTo.presence = "invisible";



RateAmountTo.presence = "visible";


(This requires you to change the language to JavaScript by the way.)


Former Community Member

thank you for your response. Questions -

1) where does Chris's code get entered? In the XML? if so where?

2) I understand your suggestions as well but again, where in the script does this need to go?

3) Chris's code is not Java is it?

This is a great forum. It has helped me on more then one occasion. Thanks to all that participate and are willing to provide their insight to those of us with less experience.



Former Community Member

With your form open in designer, on the menu bar, go to Window > Script Editor (or hit control/shift/F5 to open it.)

Now click on your button, make sure the Show: drop down has All Events selected in that Script Editor Window. Find the line for your button::click, which is the click event. That is where you want to place the code. yes change the language to JavaScript.

also, something that was helpful to me, if you want to change something on your form to print or not print you use the relevant property. I mentioned above the presence, which shows/hides it on the screen, but relevant will show/hide it when it prints. an example:

to hide on print:

RateAmountTo.relevant = "-print";

to show on print:

RateAmountTo.relevant = "print";

and your absolutely right Mike, these forums are great, i've learned all i've done here, there are many helpful people that have made my life easier!


Former Community Member
I am a form administrator for a bank. I have a form I have built in livecycle 8 that needs to be able to be sent to different email addresses depending on customer region. For one region, its 2 addresses for the other it's another 2 addresses. The problem comes when the submit button is pressed. It is only going to the first address I specified. I have read to put a semicolon, and that's not working. I also tried the distribute forms but an error pops up saying It can't distribute when there is more than one submit button. How do I get this to work? Thanks in advance


Former Community Member
kind of borrowed from another thread / it should be understandable:

use a regular button rather than the built in submit button

create a variable called emailAddresses which changes depending on which radiobutton / option is checked. the script on the button is as follows:

var emailAddresses;

if (form1.sub.radios.rawValue == 1)

emailAddresses = "bob@123.com";

if (form1.sub.radios.rawValue == 2)

emailAddresses = "bob@gmail.com; blobbo@hotmail.com";

event.target.submitForm({cURL:"mailto:" + emailAddresses + "?subject=Submitted Form&body=Please find attached the completed form.",cSubmitAs:"XDP",cCharset:"utf-8"});

i had uploaded an example of such a form but it expired - if you need an example (if you don't manage with the code), ask.


Former Community Member

I think I've read most of the submissions regardin the "Submit by Email" button. I have checked the previously recommended fixes, but I am still having issues.

I have a form that I am distributing to a large group of folks within my company. I've distributed the form for them to fill out and send back to me. i have setup a DataSet to collect the field entrys from my form and then export them to Excel. I have tested the form on myself, submitting and receiving test data - everything appears to work fine.

However, when i distribute the form my users are able to fill it out but when submitting, nothing happens. They are asked to choose their method of e-mailing back to me and all hav chosen their default method (Outlook). The form appears to send, but when you check in Outlook there is nothing in either their Outbox, or Sent folder.

I have saved, and re-opend in Acrobat Pro, checking the advanced options to enable usage rights. When I do this, i get a message stating that usage rights are already enabled.



Former Community Member
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am using LiveCycle 8.0, and those receiving my form are using Acrobat 8.


Former Community Member
For some reason i noticed that by making sure you Save a copy that has no usage rights enabled, edit the form, and then save a new enabled rights form, then the forms will work properly. If you edit the form with usage rights already enabled, it tends to cause problems. Hope this helps!