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Repeating Text fields


Former Community Member

I am newbie at LiveCycle. I am building an accident report form and I have text field that the user puts in a case number. I want that case number to be repeated into the other three text fields the form.

If someone would help me do this in Java script I would greatly appreciate it. IF this was VB I would have no problems. Thanks ahead of time.
4 Replies


Former Community Member
How far have you gotten? Assuming you've figured out how to add a script, add the following script to the text field in which the user puts the case number. I'd put the script under the "exit" event.

pathtotextfield.casenumber2.rawValue = this.rawValue;

pathtotextfield.casenumber3.rawValue = this.rawValue;

pathtotextfield.casenumber4.rawValue = this.rawValue;

Substitute the location of the target text fields for "pathtotextfield". The "this" references the object that the script is in: your case number source text field. Hope that helps.


Level 7
If the fields can all have the same name look at the "global" field property.


Former Community Member
I had performance issues with "global" myself, but I was working with a rather large form.