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Authentication: Flex AIR application <-> LifeCycle ES <-> Custom Authentication Provider


Former Community Member
Hello All!

I have a following environment:

Flex AIR application (C) - installed on client side

LifeCycle ES - Server (S)

Custom Authentication Provider (P) - 3rd party service provider

C would like call some services of S. But at first it should be authenticated.

Q1: how to create Custom Authentication Provider in LifeCycle Service container? Which Interface I should to implement?

Q2: How to provide single sign-on auth. in that case?

Q3: Is it possible to use Client Side certificate for transparent Authentication (where user should not enter login and password)

I found in documentation class AuthenticationManagerServiceClient

and method:

public AuthResult authenticate(byte[] ssoToken, boolean createAssertion)

This is the primary method for authenticating a user from the single sign-on (SSO) servlet.

But actually do not understand how to use it.

Please HELP!
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