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"Software Failure"


Former Community Member
Hi all.

I've recently found a new error that comes up when attempting to import data into a form from a button using

xfa.host.importData() on the "click" event.

It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm trying to import xml or xdp data it always does the same thing. I get the prompt to select the file and then it thinks a bit and then I get the error "Software Failure". that's it. No numbers or codes or anything else.

I've used this script on other forms without this happening... not sure what I did on this one.

Oh, and it doesn't do it if I import data from the File menu rather than using the button.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

7 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi, I have exactly the same problem. Any ideas out there?




Former Community Member
I am not able to re-produce the problem. Can you send your form with the xml data file to jpham@pacbell.net ? I 'd like to take a look at them.


Former Community Member
I had this problem with a form. It turned out that I had "xfa.form.recalculate(1)" in the Calculate section of a field. I changed it to specifically recalculate just the field I needed, and all worked OK.

I was only doing this with importing via the menu.

Hope this helps.


Former Community Member
I finally figured out what was causing it (thanks Jimmy Pham for pointing me in the right direction!).

Aparently Designer doesn't like fillable fields on the master pages -particularly any fillable fields with scripting on them. My form has multiple Master Pages which in and of itself wasn't a problem. However, the 'Page # of #' fields and the single address field that repeated on all the different Master Pages(and that was set to call a form variable for it's value) were a problem.

Once I removed these from the Master Pages and reformatted my body pages to be able to handle the data, all was well -no more 'Software Failure' error message.


Former Community Member

I experience the same errormessage at the exact same point (xfa.host.importData). It's quite frustrating since it doesn't give any directions where there might be a problem. After reading this thread I deleted the page n of m field, so there are no more fillable fields in te master page. I haven't used the xfa.form.recalculate(1) action, so that wouldn't make any difference. Jimmy Pham, do you have any more smart tricks at your hand?

best regards,



Former Community Member

I found the failure. For some reason the form would not accept a formscalc script that made the value of a field today's date and time.

I changed it to JS and it worked fine.



Level 7

Super late to this party, but it seems that you will get this error if your input XML is UTF-16. I.e.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

Once I changed it to utf-8 this issue went away. Using Acrobat XI Pro.