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Problems with applications generated by Wizard


Level 1

The deal is that when the coldfusion extension
generates the code, the code that it generates ignores the primary
key table and thus doesn't insert the new record into the database.
If I go back and adjust the wizard manually, I can make it work by
manually making the insert statement address the primary key column

Example of Generated code:

Insert into table(fname, mName, lName) values

What I need to insert the code:

Insert into table(primaryKey, fName, mName, lName)
values('1(random number)','Scott','D','Hoff')

Everything that I generate from the builder ignores the
primary key in the insert statement. Furthermore, the auto create
function never works.

Is there any coldfusion extension wizard bulletin
board/support group/peer helping thing available via the web? I've
had a hard time trying to google it and find the help I need. This
is the best hope I have. I Hope someone can help.


If you need the actual code, you can go ahead and request it
and I will paste it in. I just thought I would explain the trend
because it happens on every generated application.
1 Reply


Level 2
For the 'Application Wizard' doesn't allow you to specify
whether or not you need to manage the primary key or that the
database does. The default behavior is 'that the database' handle
primary key generation. This is a bug and you can log one through
the ColdFusion Support forums and tech support. I've also forwarded
this posting to some engineers on the CF team.