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Problem with my DataTransfer Class


Former Community Member
hello guys!

im new to FLEX and im trying to access a data service created
in asp.net.

my problem is that, i can't figure out this error about
accessing my class. here is my code


<!-- Test.mxml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="



import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

import DataTransfer.UserClass;


private var userData:ArrayCollection;


private var userObject:ArrayCollection;

private function objectHandler(event:ResultEvent):void


userObject = event.result as ArrayCollection;

for (var i:int=0; i < userObject.length; i++)


var currentUser:UserClass = new UserClass(); /*Type was not
found or was not a compile-time constant: UserClass*/

currentUser = new UserClass(userObject.getItemAt(i)); /*
Call to a possibly undefined method UserClass.*/

userObject.setItemAt(currentUser, i);





<mx:WebService id="wsASPdotNet" wsdl="

<mx:operation name="getUsers"
result="objectHandler(event)" />


<mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="Get Users"
id="buttGetUsers" />

<mx:DataGrid id="dgUsers" dataProvider="{myObjects}"
x="10" y="40" width="490" height="289" />





package DataTransfer



public class UserClass


public var username:String="";

public var fullname:String="";

public var useraccess:String="";

public function Users(obj:Object = null)


if (obj != null)


this.username= obj.username;

this.fullname= obj.fullname;

this.useraccess = obj.useraccess;





public class ListOfEmployees


public var Id:int=0;

public var fName:String="";

public var lName:String="";

public function Employee(obj:Object = null)


if (obj != null)


this.Id = obj.Id;

this.fName = obj.fName;

this.lName = obj.lName;






what is wrong with my class? why is it not compiled?

i hope that you can help me guys :( thanks in advance
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