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Parsing XML with Adobe Javascript


Former Community Member
I am using the standard SQL QPAC to fetch list data from a database. As we already know, the standard SQL APAC cannot retrieve multiple rows, but I use the "FOR XML AUTO" in my SQL statement so that all rows are returned in XML format.

I now only need to parse the XML and put the items into my drop-down list.

Does anyone have script samples that can parse XML from within LiveCycle? You would think that the capability exists since the product is based on xml/xfa.


Duncan Campbell

Xcellerate IT
14 Replies


Former Community Member
Are you looking to parse it in a script qpac? If so then you can store the XML in an xml process variable, then use getProcessDataValue() from PATExecutionContext to retrieve a Document object for the DOM.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member

Can you please point me towards the proper documentation of this stuff: getProcessDataValue() and PATExecutionContext?

I searched high and low for anything on them, and found nothing.




Former Community Member
Sure, take a look at the JavaDocs that come with the LiveCycle Workflow SDK. Under Documentation/api/LiveCycle_Workflow_SDK_API_Reference.

FYI, in a script QPAC the PATExecutionContext is an implicit object accessed under patExecContext. In a custom QPAC it is a parameter to the execute method.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member

I tried putting the following XML into an xml variable, but I received an error instead:


Do you know precisely how to perhaps get the proper XML results from a SELECT statement that will go into an XML variable? I used
"SELECT CLIENT_NAME as item from clients as list ORDER BY CLIENT_NAME FOR XML auto, elements" and I'm using a standard SQL QPAC to return the XML results.

Once I get the XML properly into the XML variable, I will try to use the getProcessDataValue() method.

Duncan Campbell


Level 9
Hi Duncan

If you have problems doing it that way, you can also download our SQLPlus QPAC, which will allow you to iterate over a result set and format the output in a number of ways, including a simple comma separated list. You can then use a simple script in the form to unpack the list into a dropdown.





Former Community Member

It may be just as simple to write a QPAC that does the query and returns a comma-delimited list as a string. You could then have the form take that string as a hidden field and parse it into the drop-down list in the same method that Workflow provides the submission choice drop-down list.



Former Community Member
Wow guys,

You all provided very good solutions that I may try someday. I really mean that, but my intention with this particular workflow is to use only the tools I get out of the box. I really want to know the base components well so that I get a full understanding of what the provided QPACs can and cannot do.

That way I get to learn about how to use some of the loosly documented methods like getProcessDataValue(). Forgive my ignorance, can anyone please tell me how I am to script a call to this method, if you have used it already?

Thanks heaps,

Duncan Campbell


Former Community Member
You're getting an error because that XML is not well formed so a DOM cannot be built for it. There needs to be a root node, something like enclosing all that in ....

I'm attaching a simple workflow I exported. It sets the value of an XML variable, and then using a script QPAC to call getProcessDataValue() and retrieve a Document object that can be used to parse the XML.

Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member

Did you ever have any luck with this? Any additional pointers?

I think I am going to do something similar. I am planning on sending in an email that contains XML data of just 9 fields (collected from a form online - outside of the LC system and then using the Email Receiver to collect the email. The email body is the XML data). So, I need to parse this out and set the elements to variables to populate my PDF form.

If I get something working, I will try to post back.




Level 9
Hi Jennifer

You may be able to get a fair bit of it done just using the SetValue QPAC. I think (although I'm not sure) that you can use expressions like:


So as long as you know the number of rows you want to process, you may be able to get by.

Let us know how you get on.



Former Community Member

Actually, I ended up doing something a little different.

Since I only have 9 fields to get parse, I did use the Set Value QPAC, but I used substring-after and substring-before functions. I had to do this in two different Set Value QPACS, I couldn't group them together for some reason. So, the body of the email contains my XML data and I set the body to a variables and then parse it out in those 2 Set Value QPACS.

It works great!



Former Community Member
I could not able to retrieve the remote xml file(which means from server to another server) in Mozilla Firefox and some times inn IE also.

I found the Error: "Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method XMLDocument.load"

please help me in this area if you find or knew.

Thank you


Level 9
Hi Thiru

It's a little difficult to work out what you're doing from your posting.

I suspect it may be that you're trying to load a document in Reader. This is not allowed, you must use Acrobat. (Or reader enable the form.)

