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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Instances of Table aren't shown after saving


Level 1

Hello Everybody,

I have created a subform with 2 tables inside of it, each one is a repeatable one, the content is an image-filed and text-field.

With two alternating add buttons between visible and hidden, I add instances first to the left table then to the right, pretty simple but enough for my purpose



This is the according hierarchy :


More or less it works perfectly fine for me, but:

As already said I am adding instances one by one, I just couldn't figure out a way, maybe with some if then..., to let the table grow equally.

Someone an idea?

But what is more important: I tried to implement my solution inside of another from which is stored inside of an SAP system. While you are filling the form out everything works like intended but as soon as you save it, and open afterwards again the instances are gone with the content inside of it. But the size of the document increased. So somewhere the pictures should be!

I am not sure if this has something to do with settings because with my own form it works pretty good.

Anyone faced a Problem like this or know a solution?

Thank you very much for any suggestion!

6 Replies


Level 2


Did you check and make sure Preserve scripting was set to Automatically?


Level 1

Mine looks a little bit different from yours, I'm using Adobe live Cycle Designer ES4 , but it is more or less the same.




Am I missing something? The problem remains, you can add as many images as you want and the file is also getting bigger but if you save and open it again all Instances from the table are gone, together with the images

Thank you for you help!


Level 6

I know this is a late reply, but I would recommend saving your target version to 9.1 or greater. Looking at your screen-shot for the "Defaults" section, the "Choose Target version" is set to 9.0 or later.  Unless you have reasons or a need to save at that version, I would highly recommend bumping up to 9.1 or later as there have been bugs associated in 9.0.

Also, the part that ahlaj77 mentioned is often the reason why added subforms would disappearing after saving, closing, and re-opening the form if that option is unchecked. However, you have it checked in your second screen shot for the "Run-time" options so you shouldn't be having that issue.  If you haven't already figured it out, try changing target version to 9.1 as mentioned above and see if that helps. Regardless, it will save you headaches down the road.


Level 1

I am still trying to figure out what the cause could be even though it's not my first priority.

I applied your advice but still the same result ...

Anyway thank you very much for your suggestion!


Level 6

No problem....when you get a chance...perhaps create a "new" document with the target version set to 9.1 or higher from the start. Then copy and paste the table into the new version and test. Also make sure "Script-based state changes..." are set to Automatically as discussed above.

Things like this can be frustrating...but there's no reason why it shouldn't work if your doc, content, and scripts are setup correctly.


Level 1

I still don't have a solution for this problem but I am pretty sure that is has to do with the settings of this specific form.

I have used a "new" document as you recommended and it worked.  Sadly I could not figure out what potential settings may be wrong since I compared every window from the properties to each other ...

In any case, Thank you very much for your suggestions !