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installation on suse linux running as vm


Former Community Member
Just a note on my progress to guide the wayward installer: The first time I ran through configurationManager, my deploy process was extremely poky, spitting out warnings and errors via jboss log, and eventually it failed at PDF Generator. However, I rebooted and followed all the Next's again (not doing anything differently, I don't think), and this time deployment sped right along taking just a few minutes.

If I did anything differently, it would have been the user I used to fire up jboss, but not certain there.
3 Replies


Former Community Member

I have seen this kind of thing happen in the past. It can be related to resource usage. Do you have 2GB of RAM in the VM image?

Also note that we do not support Linux in VM images. It may work but we have not tested it in production use cases like we have for Windows and we do not support it as such.

Kind Regards C


Chris de Groot

Senior Product Manager

Adobe Systems Inc.


Former Community Member
Thanks for the tip, Chris-- somehow I missed the recommended 2.5G on a suse installation. I just checked, and indeed my vm's suse installation only has 1G. I've adjusted it and will reinstall for the event that I return to this machine, but I've already moved on to the Windows turnkey installation for the time being...


Former Community Member
2.6GB certainly made installation go faster, and :8080/adminui/ seems to be clicking along quicker, too, but nothing else seems to have changed.

At this point, I am confident I have a mostly working LC trial deployment (in win on one vm and linux on another), but the DataExtractionAndUpdateDB and XSL samples still fail on me (which is what
this thread is about.