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HTTP Submit


Level 2
I read that the HTTP Submit button really only works with Form Server. Is this true?
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<br />Did adobe bait and switch small business?
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<br />Documentation says it uses POST to submit information to a server. Should not an HTML page be able to pick up the valuse of the fields? What is the format the it submitts the data with - XML, FDF,etc.?
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<br />I do not program, I have a general understanding this is a sample in PHP, but I also read that the format Designer Forms uses in not compatible with PHP.
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<br /><?php<br />ini_set ('display_errors', 1);<br />error_reporting (E_All & ~E_NOTICE);<br /><br />print"Your first name is {$_POST['First_Name']} second name is {$_POST['Second_Name']} and you work for {$_POST['Company']}";<br />?>
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<br />All insight appreciated
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There is an other post that similar to yours.
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