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How to pass complex data type structure to WebService under mx:request?


Level 1

From my Flex client, I need to pass data to a web service whose operation expects a complex data type with multiple layers of nesting structure. How can I populate the <mx:request> for the <mx:WebServices>? Any examples?

A couple of approaches come to my mind:

(1) construct ActionScript object to mimic the datatype expected by web service, and pass an instance of the AS object to mx:request; or
(2) construct an entire SOAP request body in XML and pass it into mx:request.

Does any of these (or both) work? If both work, which is the better way?

Thanks in advance for your input!


2 Replies




Option 1!!! For sure.

Option 2 will just give you a headache


Level 1

Thanks a lot for the rapid response, Marcel.

For further details on the maping between WS complexType structure and AS object, is there any specific requirement? such as naming, binding, structure of nesting, etc.
