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fun with images


Level 1
I'm writing an IT knowledge base article for the company.
Everything working well so far, using a flex front end, and a
java/mysql backend with blazeds somewhere in the middle.

wanting to allow the users to insert images into the
articles, perhaps with a rich text editor. as far as i can tell the
RichTextEditor object doesn't allow images. Been googling this for
hours, not much help. I did find one commercial product, but I
don't think the company will pay for it.

I wanted to avoid using PHP, but it seems my best option
would be to have PHP controlling the uploads, and then maybe have
something rather ugly putting in HTML code for images into the text
fields, althogh I'm not sure that i can even get that to display

any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated.

2 Replies


Level 2

Use the <mx:TextArea> component with the htmlText

It displays <img> tags.


Level 1
yep that's done the trick... but the text is wrapping around
the images. any way to force the images onto their own line with no
text next to them (they're potentially screenshots, so they'll take
up most of the width of the textarea).
