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Error on HelloWorld Flex Application


Level 1

I just tried the HelloWorld application from the CF-Flex
section of Adobe's web site and get the following error:


faultString: 'Send failed'

faultDetail:'Channel.Connect.Failed error

NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Failed'

I have CF 7.0.2 running fine on localhost, and Flex Data
Services is working fine on it's own.

Here is what I have for the Additional compiler arguments:

"C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml" -locale en_US

I've tried the endpoint in services-config.xml as both:

<endpoint uri="


<endpoint uri="

and both give the same error.

Any ideas?
13 Replies


Level 2
I am having the same problem. I can get data via WebService
and FDS but not RemoteObjects.

I am running CFMX 7.0.2 J2EE on TOMCAT 5.5.


Level 2
If you're using


then you'll need to specify the -context.root option with the
value of your web application context root when you compile. What's
the context root for the application that's running the
/flex2gateway servlet? Be sure to include that.

> and both give the same error.

Are you sure that's the url where your application is
running? What happens if you make a request from the browser to


Level 1
When I make a request to
I get a 404 - page not found. How do I set up the flex2gateway
servlet - I just followed the basic setup instructions and didn't
find anything about flex2gateway.

The endpoint line I'm currently using is "<endpoint uri="
class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>" so I don't
believe I need to supply a context root.


Level 2
Thank you, Cathy.

Adding the context-root argument did the trick!


Level 2
> Adding the context-root argument did the trick!

Great, one user is off and running with FDS.

> When I make a request to
I get a 404 - page not found. How do I set up the flex2gateway
servlet - I just followed the basic setup instructions and didn't
find anything about flex2gateway.

Okay, this is the issue that needs to be resolved. The
flex2gateway servlet should be defined in the CF application at
/WEB-INF/web.xml. If you open that file, can you see the
definition? You should see an uncommented reference to both
MessageBrokerServlet as well as flex2gateway servlet-mapping. If
you have a server startup log, do you see the name of the servlet
during server startup. If that all checks out, the next thing to
look at is the context path for the application. What url do you
use to access your cfm files?

> The endpoint line I'm currently using is "<endpoint
class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>" so I don't
believe I need to supply a context root.

Correct, since you're not using {context-root}, you don't
need to supply the argument. However, the uri doesn't appear to be
correct based on the 404 error above.


Level 1
Here is the relevant excerpt from the web.xml file in

<!-- start flex 2 -->

<servlet-mapping id="macromedia_mapping_0">




<!-- end flex 2 -->

FDS Startup excerpt:

Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 106363), default server

Flex OEM License for JRun enabled

10/31 15:06:47 warning Unable to open

10/31 15:06:48 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2907

10/31 15:06:49 info No JDBC data sources have been configured
for this server (s

ee jrun-resources.xml)

10/31 15:06:50 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8700

10/31 15:06:50 info Deploying web application "Flex Default
Web Application" fro

m: file:/C:/fds2/jrun4/servers/default/default-war/

10/31 15:06:50 user JSPServlet: init

10/31 15:06:50 info Deploying web application "Flex Data
Services" from: file:/C


10/31 15:06:51 user JSPServlet: init

10/31 15:06:52 user FlexMxmlServlet: init

10/31 15:06:53 INFO Loading configuration file


10/31 15:06:54 INFO Loading configuration file


10/31 15:06:54 user FlexMxmlServlet: Starting Adobe Flex Web
Tier Compiler

10/31 15:06:54 user FlexMxmlServlet: Adobe Flex Web Tier
Compiler Build: 143451

10/31 15:06:54 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

10/31 15:06:55 user FlexSwfServlet: init

10/31 15:06:55 user FlexInternalServlet: init

10/31 15:06:56 info Deploying web application "Flex Admin Web
Application" from:


10/31 15:06:56 user JSPServlet: init

10/31 15:06:57 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

10/31 15:06:58 info Deploying web application "Flex Data
Services Samples" from:


10/31 15:06:58 user JSPServlet: init

10/31 15:07:00 user FlexMxmlServlet: init

10/31 15:07:00 INFO Loading configuration file


10/31 15:07:01 INFO Loading configuration file


10/31 15:07:01 user FlexMxmlServlet: Starting Adobe Flex Web
Tier Compiler

10/31 15:07:01 user FlexMxmlServlet: Adobe Flex Web Tier
Compiler Build: 143451

10/31 15:07:01 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

10/31 15:07:03 user FlexSwfServlet: init

10/31 15:07:03 user FlexInternalServlet: init

10/31 15:07:03 info Deploying enterprise application "JRun
4.0 Internal J2EE Com

ponents" from: file:/C:/fds2/jrun4/lib/jrun-comp.ear

10/31 15:07:03 info Deploying EJB "JRunSQLInvoker" from:


Server default ready (startup time: 19 seconds)

I use
http://localhost to access my local
ColdFusion files.


Are you certain that you are getting a 404 error when you

I would expect a 500 error from the browser - that's what I
get when I make that request, and it's the expected result

The endpiont is configured @
(* note that the trailing slash is needed)

Does HelloWorld work for you?




Level 1
Yes, the error is a 404 - file not found. Here is the
relevant excerpt from my services-config.xml file:


<channel-definition id="my-cfamf"

<!-- <endpoint uri="
class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/> -->

<endpoint uri="









So far I can only get HelloWorld to work with web services,
not with RemoteObject.



Level 1
I've also noticed references to
"/WEB-INF/flex/flex-services.xml" in other postings but I don't
have a flex-services.xml file in my system. Is it possible that I
need to reload CF?


Level 2


Originally posted by:

I've also noticed references to
"/WEB-INF/flex/flex-services.xml" in other postings but I don't
have a flex-services.xml file in my system. Is it possible that I
need to reload CF?

/WEB-INF/flex/flex-services.xml was renamed
services-config.xml in the released version of FDS 2


Level 1
Thanks Cathy - can you take a look at my previous 2 postings
where I indicate the contents of my services-config.xml and web.xml
files, as well as the start up log of FDS 2 and see if you can spot
any settings that could be causing the flex2gateway problem I'm


Level 2
If you're trying to access a CFC via Remoting, you'll need to
use the Remoting configured in CF.

If you're trying to access Java resources, then you'll use
the Remoting configured in FDS. For example, the Java Remoting
examples that come with FDS should be accessed through FDS.

In either case, the services-config.xml file is dual purpose.
It is used on server startup (CF or FDS) to expose the server-side
endpoints. It is also used at compile time. If you are using Flex
Builder or the standalone compiler, you must specify the
services-config.xml using the -services compiler argument. If
you're using the web tier compiler, the services-config.xml in the
web application is used automatically.

In your case, you're trying to access a CFC through CF and


(a) MessageBrokerServlet and the flex2gateway mapping is
defined in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WEB-INF\web.xml

Based on your information, this seems correct.

(b) Expose the AMF Endpoint for Remoting on the CF server.

This is in

Based on your information, this seems correct.

(c) The destination should be configured in the
services-config.xml used by the server that is going to expose the
destination. In your case, it's a CFC, which will be exposed
through CF, so you'll need to add the destination to

I assume you're following this example -

Check that your destination configuration matches the one in
the devnet article.

(d) start the CF server

(e) Compile your mxml application via command-line or Flex
Builder specifying the -services

If services-config.xml include {context.root} or
{context-root} tokens, you would also need to specify -context-root

(f) Run your application.

It is not necessary to start up FDS if you are only using
Remoting with CFCs.

Based on your information, I cannot spot anything explictly
wrong. I've typed up the step-by-step instructions. Please go
through and double-check each of your steps. Good luck.

- Cathy


Level 1
Thanks Cathy,

I ended up reinstalling CF and everything worked fine after
tat. Muhst have been some problem with the initial installation.
