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Diginal Signatures don't transmit with XML Data, Why?


Former Community Member
I am trying to transmit the diginal signature on the form in adobe reader through email as a XML data source to its destination. But the object does not have any binding to the email. I need to send the signature so that I can pull the received email XML file into the form again with the signature to print a copy in house.

How do you get the signatures to be bound to the data file that is sent via XML through an email system?
1 Reply


Level 7
You can't pull a signature into a file. That would imply signatures,

once made, could be separated and the stuck on other documents that

the user never saw and never signed!

A signature is integral with the file. You need to submit the whole

file. (Acrobat forms appear to submit sending only the signature

portion of the file, but I can't see this for designer forms).



"PDF [format] submits a package containing an embedded PDF file.

Choose this format if the form contains a signature field..."

Aandi Inston