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Completeing a task from Card in task list


Level 3
Sorry if this has been asked before.

I have a form that has a number of mandatory fields. So when I don't have these all filled in and hit the complete it doesn't complete and pops up a message box to notify me about the field. Thats all fine and dandy!

Now if I save the form as a draft it goes to my to do list, so when I hover over my process card a little image of a green tick appears with a tooltip message of "Complete"

When I hit this little icon the process dissappears. Does this mean the the process is now complete even though not all manatory fields are filled in ???


3 Replies


Level 10
"When I hit this little icon the process dissappears. Does this mean the the process is now complete even though not all manatory fields are filled in ???"

Yes the process is completed.

There is a check box called "Form Must Be Saved" under the Form Data Mapping of the User step that forces the users to open the form before completing it (basically disabling that green check mark).



Level 3
Hi Jasmin,

Ok, we can force the user save the form in draft. But he can do it without filling the mandatory fields, and then complete the task when it is in draft. Could you advice ?




Former Community Member
Yes that is true. You can get into a situation of completing the task where all the manditory fields have not been completed. To prevent this from happening you can remove the option of completing the task from the card (i.e. no green check mark displayed). This cannot be controlled on a per process basis. It's all or nothing.

- In Adobe LiveCycle Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Workspace ES > Global Administration.

- On the Global Administration page, under Export global settings, click Export.

- add the tag true to the
config file.

- import the new config file

The changes will take affect immediately.

With this approach, you don't need to select "Form Must be saved" in the User service.