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2D Barcode greyed out with Reader 9.0.0


Former Community Member

I have a strange problem. I'm using a form with a datamatrix barcode - the reader extensions are not set in this form so the barcode is still encrypted. If this form is filled out with Adobe Acrobat 9 the barcode looks fine(encrypted but you can see the barcode), if filled out with Adobe Reader 8.x.x the barcode looks fine(encrypted but you can see the barcode) - but with the same form filled out with Adobe Reader 9.0.0 and the same values the barcode gets greyed out. Even if I just fill in one character.

Can anybody help me out with this?

Thanks in advance

16 Replies


Former Community Member
Forms that are filled in and printed with Adobe Acrobat will always have plain-text non-encrypted barcodes. It is only when you fill in and print barcoded forms using the free Adobe Reader that the forms must be properly licensed.

Forms that are not properly licensed will show a gray box where the barcode is supposed to render in Reader 8.x and higher. Prior to Reader 8 the barcode was encrypted and could not be decoded.


Level 2

I am having the same problem, and I do not understand your reply.

We are creating our forms using a fully-licensed version of Adobe LiveCycle Designer.

Users open the form using free Adobe Reader.

The moment the user starts typing information into a field, the barcode turns grey and cannot be seen, read, or scanned.

"It is only when you fill in and print barcoded forms using the free Adobe Reader that the forms must be properly licensed."

Please explain exactly what you mean when you write "the forms must be properly licensed."


Former Community Member

Using "Adobe LiveCycle Designer" you can design PDF forms but you cannot use the 2D barcoded forms technology unless you have also licensed Adobe "LiveCycle Barcoded Forms".  This is a separate license from Designer.


Level 2

Hi Lee,

Thank you for your quick response.  Regarding licensing, do we need a separate license for each installation of LiveCycle Designer (i.e., for each person who creates the barcode forms)? If you would let us know exactly what we need to order/install, that would be greatly appreciated!  


Former Community Member

You will need to order "Adobe LiveCycle Barcoded Forms ES".  When you license Barcoded Forms there are a number of ways to license the technology but the most popular is by form or what is called "forms in use".  So, if you have 10 forms you want to add Dynamic Barcodes to then you will need to license 10 forms.  You do not license Barcoded Forms based on your Designer licenses, it's based on the number of forms that you will be deploying for use within the free Adobe Reader that use Dynamic Barcodeds (not static barcodes).

This presentation should help you understand how forms are prepared for the field.  A couple of versions old but the concepts are identical with today's version: http://my.adobe.acrobat.com/barcodedformsandreaderextensions/

This blog entry should also help: http://blogs.adobe.com/asktheexperts/2009/06/adobe_livecycle_barcoded_forms.html


Level 1


How to invisible first page of PDF, but first page should display while printing.

Steps i followed:

I selected 1st page using presenece "visible(print only" but its not displaying the content. Page shows empty details.
I dont want to display the empty page, page details should display while printing only.


Former Community Member

Just to be sure that I have understood the license issue right. Is it only necessary to have one license to af pdf form even if the form is distributed to many clients?

Is the form licensed when it is designed in LiveCycle Designer or later?



Level 1

Do you want to tell us what the resolution was? I'm having the same issue. THANKS


Level 2

It's a rights issue.  Licensing needs to be purchased and/or software distributed or updated. See the reply by "leesutton" above for more information.


Level 1



Level 1

We are facing the similar problem. We have Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro installed which come with adobe life cycle. We have created the forms with barcode PDF 417.


Level 1

Can anyone help us in resolving this issue.


Former Community Member


first include one masterpage and map it to the first page alone

second master page to rest of the pages

place the code in the form initialize

CustomerApplicationApp.Page0.presence = "hidden";

CustomerApplicationApp.masters.MasterBarcode.presence = "hidden";

were page0 is the first page and the masterbarcode is the respective master page mapped.

place the code in preprint

CustomerApplicationApp.Page0.presence = "visible";

CustomerApplicationApp.masters.MasterBarcode.presence = "visible";

place the code in post print

CustomerApplicationApp.Page0.presence = "hidden";

CustomerApplicationApp.masters.MasterBarcode.presence = "hidden";

Note : rename the nodes according to the code or change the code as per your node.


Former Community Member

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Can you be a little more specific? Where do I place the barcode, and do I format the barcode as usually.



Former Community Member


place the barcode in the 1st page of your form.while preview 1st page will

be hidden as per code and it will be visible at the time of printing

i have attached the sample form with this mail please reff if u still have

doubt mail me.

note: save the pdf as dynamic form.

check the compatibility shld be above 8 check in preview tab of





Level 1

do we need a barcode license for Adobe Reader?