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Real-Time Integration of AEP and Salesforce with Adobe I/O Events Webhooks


Level 3

Hello there,

I am seeking advice on integrating AEP and Salesforce for my use case. I am considering using Adobe I/O Events webhooks and have a few questions about their usage and reliability:

Source: AEP (Lead and custom objects linked to Lead)
Target System: Salesforce (or a Google Pub/Sub topic as an alternative)
Goal: Capture all changes (creation and update) to lead objects and custom objects linked to the standard Lead object and send it to Salesforce. Also, the MERGE action should also fire and event (Via webhooks).

  1. Does using Adobe I/O Events webhooks require any new license or incur additional costs?
  2. Can it capture changes (creation or updates) in real-time for Lead and Custom Objects?
  3. Can we implement an exponential backoff retry strategy to ensure at least once delivery?
  4. How can we ensure enterprise-grade security for this integration mechanism to keep data safe between AEP and Salesforce?
  5. Is there a way to trigger an event when AEP merges duplicate Lead records, either upon creation or when an existing Lead is updated and becomes a duplicate?
  6. Can we customize the payload sent by these webhooks when such events occur?

Below is an example of a pseudo-JSON file that we would like to send:

    "version": "1.0",
    "mergeRequestId": "001b3402-2591-4fd2-856e-397524eb56b1", (For idempotency checks)	
    "timestamp": "2024-07-15T12:34:56Z",
    "initiator": {
        "type": "System",
        "id": "AEP",
        "name": "Adobe Experience Platform"
    "mergeStrategy": "MostRecentActivity",
    "conflictResolution": {
        "contactHandling": "UseMostRecentContact"
    "auditInfo": {
        "initiatedBy": "System",
        "initiatorId": "AEP",
        "mergeInitiationTime": "2024-07-15T12:34:56Z",
        "mergeReason": "Duplicate records detected in AEP"
    "winningLeadId": 1,
    "leadIdsToBeMerged": [


Any guidance or best practices on achieving this integration would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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