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Using contrext data and trackState/trackAction to send Data in XDM format via Data Collection


Level 3

Hi all, 


i wanted to raise a point to understand if this approach is feasible.


We have an app actually using trackState/trackAction events and context data to send info to Adobe Analytics, since we are moving to CJA and Platform SDK i was wondering if there is some issues in this approach that uses Data Collection without need to fix the code: 


in data collection i was thinking to use track state and track action events as trigget for the following action: 

1. Attach Context data and use a json payload to add the context data into xdm object

2. use forward event to platform to send the json to aep. 


would it work? without changing the code to explicitly use the sendEvent method? may they will be issues if we consider that analytics extension will be deleted? 



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