I am currently implementing AEP Web SDK extension on Tags new property and need to map the evars, props and events back to previous Adobe Analytics reporting suite. This is because there are other websites linked to the report and we are working in phases. Could you please share the steps on how I would go about to make sure I don't use wrongly the evars , pops and events? Do I have to map each and everyone of the evars, props and events in the processing rules?
Examples: evar 1 = page name
evar 10 = link interaction
I am not familiar with the scripts if need to custom code.
@dwright , not sure if you have the answer.
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I would start here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/edge/data-collection/adobe-analytics/ana...
Especially these sections:
To make it easier to capture the most common Adobe Analytics metrics, we provide an Analytics field group that you can use. For more details on this schema, see the documenation for the Adobe Analytics ExperienceEvent Full Extension schema field group
The Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network automatically maps many XDM variables. The complete list of these variables is listed here.
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I have a scaffold to help get started with using Web SDK to track to Adobe Analytics: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-platform-data/adobe-web-sdk-scaffo... That might help you out!
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I would start here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/edge/data-collection/adobe-analytics/ana...
Especially these sections:
To make it easier to capture the most common Adobe Analytics metrics, we provide an Analytics field group that you can use. For more details on this schema, see the documenation for the Adobe Analytics ExperienceEvent Full Extension schema field group
The Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network automatically maps many XDM variables. The complete list of these variables is listed here.
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