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Implementation of AEP using Web SDK Tags extension


Level 1

I have followed the Map to XDM in the datastream approach, in the tutorial of Adobe doc(https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/platform-learn/implement-web-sdk/tags-configuration/creat... they have created data elements and so on by using this approach Map to XDM in tags, in my case what is the next step i need to perform with respect to tags?


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1 Reply


Level 9

Hi @DevakrishnaRa1 

if I may say, that is - at least in my eyes - the worst, least intuitive, least debuggable approach of all you chose  

Especially if you are not super experienced in this, I would probably go with the "Map to XDM in tags" approach.


In your case, you will need to get the data from the website into your Web SDK calls e.g., by putting your data layer - or however you are getting this information into Tags - into the "data" part of the Web SDK call. So techincally, this is a free text section that you send as payload to the Edge network.

Since you have chosen mapping in the datastream, you will have to then map the incoming properties of the data object to your desires XDM fields, including trying to add all business logic you may require to transform A into B.


You see where I am going with this. This may require adaptations in your data layer / from your devs to make your datastream mapping life easier.

Also, trying to debug these server-side mapping requests with the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger is a hell of work to do. It consumes most of your memory, crashes frequently, and is really a pain to work with sometimes.


My recommendation: choose the mapping in Tags approach. There you can create all transformation logic to fill data elements, it is a breeze (well, compared to the debugger extension) to debug since you actually see what it being sent to the Edge network as payload of the request. No hocus pocus that no one can understand nor debug later.


Sorry for the rant, speaking of experience