I've installed an extension to test out some functionality and can see it can be enabled or disabled. Is there a way to completely remove it (or hide it) from the installed extensions group?Thanks
Is there a use case for having more than one adapter? I can see the need for two if you have one website using Akamai and another site using sftp? But can one presume most orgs would only require one adapter? Is there another scenario that I might be missing?The whole notion of adapters is somewha...
Hi, I'm currently unable to use the Adobe Analytics extension to load my report suites. I've found a few solutions such as this (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38080877/is-it-possible-to-use-a-data-element-to-set-the-reporting-suite-within-adobe-dtm) for DTM that provide a way to load the repor...
Hi,We used to use functions "LinkTrackVars" and "LinkTrackEvents" in SDK 3.x. So, wondering what would be the equivalent functions we need to use for SDK4.x. Is there any alternate way of implementing or using these functions in latest SDK ?
Hi,I've seen some issues with the ContextHub extension:if I open the Editor, with data in it, and then click Cancel next time the Editor is empty.if the schema is Valid I see an error in browser console and all Data Elements based on the Extension are not working.Is there something that I'm doing wr...
So this new feature to deploy Launch async.I see that it gives you a tag like this:<script src="//assets.adobedtm.com/launch-12345-development.min.js" async></script>From my perspective, I should be able to instead do something like this:(function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.sr...
Has anyone been able to get this to work? I have code that is firing an event and a rule set up with a CustomEvent trigger listening to it. I have tired all sorts of different combinations with no luck. I wrote a listener by hand and it is getting invoked, so I know the event is being fired.I cou...