The Launch documentation suggests that the _satellite.track() function can be used to pass along extra information in the syntax:_satellite.track('contact_submit', { name: 'John Doe' });However when I access this detail object using %event.detail%, the element is resolved as "[object Object]"Have I ...
Hello All,I am trying to use the launc for mobile in one of our IOS/andorid apps. Previous we where using adobe mobiule sdk. One of our requirement was to identify the user cross device. So we use the s.visitorID to be overwritten by the hased userid. But i could not find such a metod in launch for ...
Looking to see the best placement for the adobe launch script tag on our pages in relation to other the DOM elements. Also since we are working with a data layer that is populating some of our data elements our assumption is that this declaration will need to be above the Adobe Launch tag.
Hello, Can you please suggest me how to send the native app (IOS) data to two two different report suites based on certain condition?Logic:If website is A then send data to "report suite A"else send data to "report suite B"ThanksChenna
Hello - I see 2 lifecycle calls when I do a first launch of the app. Does that mean, two first launches would be counted when we launch the app firstly?Thanks,Venuka
Hi Team,Do we need to install any feature pack for AEM 6.3 in order to use Launch by Adobe. Because as per the Integrate AEM 6.3 with Adobe Launch the "Configurations & Capabilities" section cannot be done in AEM 6.3Please help me on this.Thanks,Srini.
Two questions related to mobile app reporting:Does Adobe have an integration framework to capture AppsFlyer value IDFV in SiteCatalyst via SDK or APIAre mobile lifecycle metrics like crashes and first installs/launches available in the raw data feed customers currently get into Insight?
We have seen lately in our ios app that we get some weird looking pages like company/102 and we have analyzed those to see what was going on and where are those pages coming from. What we have found out is everytime when we get an initial launchevent it creates an own page. Is this expected behaviou...
Does anyone know how to get the pages on which the crashes occured? Plus what kind of crash has happened? Adobe trackes crashes automatically but is there a chance to adjust this somehow?