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Approaching: DTM Sunset Milestone 2




March 2020 Update: Due to the situation with SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, we have pushed out the dates for Milestone 2 and 3 by 3 months each.  The dates below have been updated to reflect these new dates.  We will continue to monitor the situation and may make further adjustments depending on how the next few months go.


July 2020 Update: We continue to hear from customers who are concerned about the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on their migration timelines. We have resource, maintenance, and cost constraints that make it infeasible to push back Milestone 3 (the final EOL), but we have decided to shrink the read-only period from 6 months down to 2 months. This means that while the final EOL timeline is not changing — it is still April of 2021 — you’ll be able to continue to make changes to your DTM properties until February of 2021. The official dates below reflect the latest changes.


February 2021 Update: We’ve pushed out the Milestone 2 date by 6 days to align with our release window. DTM will enter a read-only state on February 22, 2021.


It’s been about 2 years since we made Adobe Experience Platform Launch generally available to all Experience Cloud customers.

Six months after that we announced that DTM would be entering a maintenance phase where security updates would be made, but that no new feature work would be happening. At that same time, we announced that DTM would eventually reach a sunset and provided a timeline for increasing restrictions on DTM functionality over the course of time.

This was done so that development efforts could focus on Launch which is now the recommended way to deploy any Adobe Experience Cloud solution and to stream your site and application data into the Adobe Experience Platform.

Last July, we passed Milestone 1 of the DTM Sunset Timeline and we removed the ability to add new properties in DTM.

On February 22, 2021, we will hit DTM Sunset Milestone 2. Starting on that date, DTM properties will enter a read-only state. This means:

  • You will still be able to login to DTM, but your properties, rules, data elements, and tools will all be view only.
  • You will be able to see everything that is there, but you will not be able to make any changes to any of the resources.
  • You will not be able to publish any new libraries.

One important note, DTM publishes JavaScript libraries. Customers either host these libraries on their own, or have Adobe we host them through a CDN partnership. Launch utilizes this same CDN and it isn’t going anywhere. Even after DTM shuts down, any DTM libraries that have already been published will stay where they are. If the library is being referenced on any site, it will continue to load into the browser and function as it does now. The limitation will be that you will no longer be able to modify the contents of those libraries.

DTM properties will remain in this read-only state until April of 2021 when we plan to decommission the product and DTM will no longer be available.



Level 1


If the Launch migration tool is run on DTM, will it allow for modifying the rules/data elements in Launch?




@MMMMC, yes, when you run the migration tool, it creates a matching property in Launch, but does not publish anything.  You are free to make any modifications and test (heavily encouraged) before you publish anything.  Depending on whether you link your DTM embed code to Launch, the Launch library will actually start being served to browsers when (1) you publish to Production in Launch or (2) when you replace your DTM embed code with a Launch embed code.  There's a high-level outline here and FAQ in the product docs (updated link) with more info.


Level 3


Just for clarification: Will the migrate to launch function in DTM be available past milestone 2?


Level 2



As adobe have extended the sunset dates for DTM. Could you please confirm the API's as well are they extending the dates  ? 


Level 1




I have got an email about DTM sunset timeline moved and where can find more details.




@parkerc51788251, yes, the Upgrade to Launch button will continue to be available/functional until final sunset date.




@giri3072, which APIs are you asking about? DTM has no publicly available APIs.




@priyav73789930, the email has the most detailed explanation as well as links to a specific forum post for discussion.  https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-platform-launch/dtm-plans-for-a-su...


Level 1


hi Ben, community folk


I am trying to get from Adobe' page at https://docs.adobelaunch.com/launch-reference/upgrade-from-dtm-to-launch to the "new location" where it has been moved (according the Adobe) which is https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/launch/using/reference/upgrade/overview.html 


there seems to be some sort of redirect on the target page as I never am able to reach the destination and the content I am after.


Can someone please assist me here? Thank you


Level 1


by the way the link posted in Ben's comment adobe: "FAQ in the product docs with more info" also redirects me to the experience League landing page and the same red hero banner with a huge head of a smiling guy... https://experienceleague.adobe.com/#home 

Any tips of how to get to the destination would be much appreciated 





We are migrating to Launch and will at some point need to deactivate our DTM rules and activate the ones in Launch. Do I understand it right that we won't be able to deactivate DTM rules after milestone 2? If yes:

  • are any issues expected if Launch rules are active while similar DTM ones are not yet deactivated?
  • are there any specific recommendations on migrating after milestone 2?



To clarify- 

Feb-April: we can retrieve data from libraries but not modify

After April: fully decommissioned and not able to retrieve any data


Is this correct?




@Marina-Merino the docs you are looking for are at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/launch/using/get-started/upgrade/overview.html?lang=en#get-s....  If you can tell me where to find the links you are clicking on, I can try to update them in their original location.




@Alexander_Prikhodko, you can't have a DTM library and a Launch library on the same page at the same time.  So you'll need to build a Launch library that entirely replaces your DTM one, you won't be able to do some DTM rules and some Launch rules on the same page at the same time.

With this in mind, once you switch over to use your Launch library (either by replacing the DTM embed code with a Launch one, or by linking your Launch prod environment to your DTM prod environment and publishing in Launch), your DTM library is no longer in use and deactivating the rules and/or DTM property is entirely optional.





Level 1




We just noticed that DTM has been decommissioned and my team migrated all the DTM properties to launch expect 2 which we noticed were still on DTM and the team didn't realize that they aren't migrated.


However since 04-20-2021 the UI of DTM is also not available so wanted to know if it's possible to migrate those properties to Launch by Adobe team from there end itself.






@pmitta10, unfortunately no.  You'll need to do your best to look at the DTM libraries and recreate the necessary resources from scratch.