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Skip: Deploy to dispatcher Reason: no dispatcher configuration packages


Level 3

Hello all. Our project is running in the Adobe Cloud Manager, since the first implementation of the project all pipelines have run well but in the log, I can see the following error:


Skip: Deploy to dispatcher:dispatcher1uswest1 in xxx-prod [id:xxx]. Reason: no dispatcher configuration packages



I reviewed the project and could see the dispatcher module was missing in the main pom, then I added it, now when I run a new pipeline in the Adobe Cloud Manager I got the following error:


Deploy to instanceId=dispatcher2uswest1 failed with errorCode=10011001 message=Failed to start Apache due to syntax error in deployed configurations, AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/aem_author.vhost:
Invalid command '../available_vhosts/aem_author.vhost', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


In the mentioned file all look good, so can someone help me to fix this error?

Thanks in advance.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

If all the required configurations files are available inside the module, I suspect the issue is with symlinks, please refer to the following URL for more details on symlinks in dispatcher configurations - https://medium.com/tech-learnings/aem-dispatcher-configurations-symlinks-8f52f554ffa5



Albin I


View solution in original post

9 Replies


Level 6

Make sure that you have added the dispatcher module references to all the required places in the configs. Also check if the paths are correct.


Level 10

Hi @israel_sanchez ,


When you enabled this dispatcher module and pushed to cloud for the first time, you pushed from a windows or linux ?


Level 3

I think it was Windows, so I've updated the symilinks using linux "ln -sfv" but nothing happend.


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

If all the required configurations files are available inside the module, I suspect the issue is with symlinks, please refer to the following URL for more details on symlinks in dispatcher configurations - https://medium.com/tech-learnings/aem-dispatcher-configurations-symlinks-8f52f554ffa5



Albin I



Level 3


Thanks for Sharing this, it was really helpful.. mklink in windows worked fine for me..


Also the overlay file that we should create should be named in such a way, that it loads after default file. I had to spend lot of time in this to figure this out. 

E.g. for me I had to create the filename as "999_bbb_publish_farm.any" , so that file loads after default file "999_ams_publish_farm.any"

Earlier, I had created the filename as "998_bbb_publish_farm.any", which caused the file to load before default file "999_ams_publish_farm.any" and my changes were not getting reflected. 






Level 1

This actually helped me as well. The name of custom farm file should be in a way that it loads after the default file. It feels like the names follow alphabetical order. Thanks for the tip!


Level 4

This error usually comes because of the symlinks which are absent in your dispatcher conf.d/enabled_hosts folder. Symlinks are similar to shortcuts in windows. But seems like windows hates symlinks. If you have copied your dispather configs from some where else, then the symlinks wouldn't have copied. Its also difficult to manualy create symlinks. If you open the symlink files in github aem archetype repo it shows like this:


This wont work.

What you need to do ? You can try below approaches:

1. Restore default dispatcher configs from backup (Adobe generally has this. You need to reach out to them). Then download the files from there using SSH. and use xcopy command in windows to copy symlink files.

2. In enabled hosts folder, copy paste the content from available_hosts folder.



@prashantonkar  Good to see you back inside the AEM Community. Keep the great work of assisting others going. Looking forward to more contributions from you. 

Kautuk Sahni


Level 2



I am also having the same issue and the Dispatcher is hosted on Red Hat server. To do the deployments via the Cloud pipeline,we are adding enteries like: 


 for all the files under enabled_vhosts and enabled_farms. We are getting the error: errorCode=10011001 message=Failed to start Apache due to syntax error in deployed configurations. AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/enabled_vhosts/aem_flush.vhost: Invalid command '../available_vhosts/aem_flush.vhost', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
2024-03-12T14:05:30+0000 Failed to deploy dispatcher on instance 


I have validated that all symlinks are available on the Dispatcher. any guidance?