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Problem when export experience fragment to Adobe Target


Level 3

Hello Guys,

I am having a problem when I am trying to export experience fragment to Adobe Target.

Does anyone have a similar problem?



Alisson Xavier

1 채택된 해결책 개


정확한 답변 작성자:

Is it a Target via Adobe IO integration?

If yes, you need to get to Experience Cloud Admin Console Admin Console

From Product select Workspace -> Integration and add your Adobe IO integration with Approver product role

원본 게시물의 솔루션 보기

18 답변 개


Employee Advisor

Check error.log file for any errors when you try to export. Also, open Developer options "network" tab to check the failing requests.

You can also set up a DEBUG logger on the following classes to get more info about the error:




Level 3

Hi JaideepBrar​,

I see this error in error.log.

Caused by: com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceException: API request failed

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.request(WebServiceImpl.java:607) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.request(WebServiceImpl.java:562) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.createOffer(WebServiceImpl.java:264) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.RestApiAdapter.create(RestApiAdapter.java:108) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

... 143 common frames omitted

Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Unexpected response status code [403] for request [https://mc.adobe.io/ifactsolamericasptrsd/target/offers/content].

{"httpStatus":403,"requestId":"boE280AKewYYRVHQIyHwuMbaZFbd9dZH","requestTime":"2019-09-19T15:38:45.817Z","errors":[{"errorCode":"Forbidden.Resource","message":"Access denied. To perform this operation, all of the following privileges are required \"[editor]\"."}]}

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.request(WebServiceImpl.java:604) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

... 146 common frames omitted

Is there any configuration to create in target?

Do you have any ideia?



Employee Advisor


Caused by: com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceException: API request failed

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.request(WebServiceImpl.jav a:607) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.request(WebServiceImpl.jav a:562) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.service.WebServiceImpl.createOffer(WebServiceImpl .java:264) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

at com.day.cq.analytics.testandtarget.impl.RestApiAdapter.create(RestApiAdapter.java:108) [com.adobe.cq.cq-target-integration:1.3.22]

... 143 common frames omitted

Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Unexpected response status code [403] for request [https://mc.adobe.io/ifactsolamericasptrsd/target/offers/content].

{"httpStatus":403,"requestId":"boE280AKewYYRVHQIyHwuMbaZFbd9dZH","requestTime":"2019-09-19 T15:38:45.817Z","errors":[{"errorCode":"Forbidden.Resource","message":"Access denied. To perform this operation, all of the following privileges are required \"[editor]\"."}]}


This looks like an access issue.


Level 2

Hi jbrar, I have configured IO and enabled integration through IMS in my local AEM 6.5.4 environment. I have changed my role to "Editor" as suggested by the error.log.

I am not using experience fragments export option yet, and using tutorial activities, audiences and offers creation.

When I reach the final step of  saving the created activity configuration, I keep getting this issue that I need to have the "Editor" role assigned.

Should I reconfigure the whole Target integration from scracth (IMS Config/ Target Config) when the role gets changed?


Level 3


Where can I configure access to integration?



정확한 답변 작성자:

Is it a Target via Adobe IO integration?

If yes, you need to get to Experience Cloud Admin Console Admin Console

From Product select Workspace -> Integration and add your Adobe IO integration with Approver product role




The integrations tab now seem to appear as API credentials tab. Set the product role as Approver in this tab and you should be good to go.


Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 5.20.19 pm.png


Employee Advisor

Adding to Leo's comment, If you are not using IO, you can follow the steps below:

Manually Configuring the Integration with Adobe Target


Level 3

My integration is using observer permission. I have changed to approver and it is working now.

Thanks, guys


Level 1

Hi All,

I have set my integration permission to Approver and also tried with Editor but it is still failing for me. I get the same error as previously mentioned. Is there something required from Adobe to enable?


Level 1


I'm also experiencing the same issue - could you please post a screenshot of the adminconsole


Level 3


Follow my screenshot of the adminconsole.



Level 1

Thanks a lot @alissonxavier0105 for the screenshot - this is where I was confused - I do not have Integration tab in my adminconsole for target, could you please share how do you get that tab for Integrations?


Level 3

You need to configure an integration in Adobe IO.


After that, you can see this tab in Admin Console.


Level 1

Hi alissonxavier0105​ thanks again! I was not getting the integration option in admin console due to a permission issue which has got resolved but I really appreciate your help! Super helpful!!


Level 1

Changed to Approver. The error still persists.


Level 2

is this issue resolved?
Even after having approver access, im getting this issue again and again


Level 1

I am also getting the same issue on AEM 6.5 and we have given Approver product role in API Integration tab but still request is failing with offer creation request failed.

can someone help me to resolve?