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Please provide the integration steps for AEM 6.3 with Adobe Target via Adobe Launch


Level 4

Hi Team ,

Can you please guide me through the integrations Steps and Prerequisites for Integrating AEM 6.3 with Adobe Target via Adobe Launch . Primarily am looking for very simple POC to integrate Target in a sample page on we retail website to change a title based on the browser .

Additional Queries

1) Is there any option to integrate Target Directly with AEM without DTM or Adobe Launch

2) If I have target account , will I be able to complete this POC with my local author instance or it can be implemented only on public hosted domain

3) Any other preferred way of doing this POC .



4 Replies


Level 7


you can find in [0] documentation which explain how to configure AEM with Adobe Target.

Regarding your questions:

1) yep, you can use Adobe Target even if you don't have AEM. So if you want to integrate Adobe Target without using OOTB integration, you just only need to insert into your page the at.js which is the javascript used from adobe target.

2) You can complete your poc also in your local environment. The only requirement is to have the Adobe Target and Adobe Launch configured correctly to allow your localhost enviroment

3) No other way, you can do this in localhost and then try to use a test server if you have one environment that you can use for test.

Let me know if you need more info.

[0] Integrating with Adobe Target





Adobe Launch requires an IMS configuration, so it can be used to set up AEM to Launch integration via Adobe IO. Only AEM >=6.4 has an IMS integration. A very detailed step-by-step integration of AEM & Launch integration can be found here: Integrate Launch by Adobe

You still can deploy Launch asynchronously on the AEM Site.

From Launch, click the Install icon for the Production environment to trigger the Web Install Instructions dialog box:


Copy embed code and add into your site's template. For example, for We.Retail it will be injected into /apps/weretail/components/structurecustomheaderlibs.html file.



Level 4

Thanks for detailed information .

Can you please confirm if AEM 6.3 and Adobe Launch can be integrated



It can be integrated but not via Adobe IO. You can deploy Launch asynchronously on the AEM Site.