Hi @SrinivasanPa1 ,
You are right, if on higher org url is shortened, below rewrite rules should work
RewriteRule ^/us/en/category1/articleslist/(.*)$ /us/en/category2/folder1/articleslist/$1 [PT]
Also with above rules it will not change the path at client side(i.e. in browser it will remail /us/en/category1/articleslist/(.*))
if you want to show redirect at at client side to the user you may write below rules
RewriteRule ^/us/en/category1/articleslist/(.*)$ /us/en/category2/folder1/articleslist/$1 [R=301,L]
Just for cross checking make sure to put these rewrite rules in starting specially before below (similar) rewrite rule ( where shortened path is getting mapped to content path)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /content/${CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME}/$1 [PT,L]
In local also shortened url should work if etc mapping or resource resolver config (whatever present in dev) is available in local.
You may try hitting http://localhost:4502/us-en/category1/articleslist/article1