I am using querybuilder API in a service. I want only certain properties in result instead of complete properties on that node. So I used p.hits=selected. But in result its still giving all properties.
Below is query used.
queryMap.put(QUERY_PATH, path);
queryMap.put(NODE_NAME, "product");
queryMap.put(LIMIT, "-1");
Below is the code to retrieve result.
ValueMap valueMap = hit.getProperties();
String jsonStr = gson.toJson(valueMap);
After running query, in jsonStr I could see all properties instead of what given in p.properties.
@Kiran_Vedantam @Arun_Patidar @SantoshSai @DEBAL_DAS @fanindras @lukasz-m @Pulkit_Jain_
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@iamaemuser ,
Add you raw query here. To give a proper answer, need to see query. Using p.hits=selective it gives selected properties. Check simple working query.
type=cq:PageContent path=/content/we-retail/us p.hits=selective p.properties=sling:resourceType jcr:title
@sunil_kumar_ thanks for your reply. For the query you posted as well, when I run it via querybuilder API in java, its returning complete properties. When I run it via rest API(http://localhost:4502/bin/querybuilder.json) its giving only the properties when I add in query. So the doubt I have is whether it will not work when I do this via java code.
@iamaemuserCheck if you have some typing error in query creation. Check your final executable query.
Same query can't give you two different result. Check this in query
Hi @iamaemuser As mention by other comment. Same query can't give you two different result. There must be some issue with your query. May you are not generating correct query in java. Try to print your executing query in LOG and see for any syntax issue with query.
Hi @iamaemuser ,
Try this,
queryMap.put(QUERY_PATH, path); queryMap.put(NODE_NAME, "product"); queryMap.put(LIMIT, "-1");
map.put("property", "categoryName");
map.put("property.operation", "exists");
for (Hit hit : result.getHits()) { String path = hit.getPath(); Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(path); Node node = resource.adaptTo(Node.class); // read property values String categoryName = node.getProperty("categoryName").getString(); //do Something
Please visit for more details: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/developing/platform/query-builder/quer...
Hope that helps!
yes, saw documentation of adobe now, its mention as "By default, the QueryBuilder JSON Servlet will return a default set of properties for each node in the search result (e.g. path, name, title, etc.). In order to gain control over which properties are returned, you can do one of the following:" .
so p.hits=selective will work only on QueryBuilder JSON, not when we do query with querybuiler API in backend.