Hi @stiegjo22 - Have you looked if there's a newer version of plugin available to support the 6.5.21 AEM release? May be try upgrading the plugin if there is one indeed.
Alternatively, you may look out for errors in log files during an AEM restart or while accessing Brightcove admin page along with...
The "uncheckedValue" property on your checkbox field might be causing the value to be set as "false", when you inadvertently submit the dialogs on other pages. You can either remove this property or run your logic around "true" value of the field.
Have you verified the properties on the jcr:content of the page and parents' in it's hierarchy?
Alternatively, If you try to open page properties dialog of the the newly created page and submit without doing any modifications, Do you still see it returning the value true?
Hi @Keerthi0555 - Have you already verified that the property "cancelInsta" value has not been over ridden at current page or immediate parent page level?
I would start by comparing the values directly on jcr:content nodes of en/profession/product and en/profession to see if cancelInsta property exi...
Hi @vineetham123 -
Please refer to the official Adobe documentation at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/devtools/ht-vlttool.html?lang=en for the detailed steps. Let us know if you face trouble with any specific step here.
Hi @ShivikaSi - You might be having the actual error printed in your error log, Can you share it here for better debugging? If you have setup your AEM instance for the first time, try restarting the instance once just to be sure that all the bundles and services have refreshed and are active. Let us...
Hi @sean12341 - In Sightly - This can be achieved using the wcmmode context object with values like edit, preview and publish. You can hide/show the contents of component using a conditional check like below:
<sly data-sly-test.show="${wcmmode.preview || wcmmode.publish}">
In Javascript - You ma...
Hi @Ronnie09 , Can you check the publish log to see the actual request reaching the publish instance? Please also share the shortened URL, the actual full resource path and the configuration to shorten the resource to assist further. Thanks,Fani
Hi @EV909 - I think, the easiest way is to leave the component unlocked, but write a custom CSS (that loads only on the page), which disables the Add/Remove and Edit option on the fields that you want to restrict.