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Issue with OSGi Bundle in Installed State After Adding Apache PDFBox to bnd-baseline-maven-plugin


Level 4

I'm facing an issue with my OSGi bundle, which remains in the Installed state after adding Apache PDFBox dependencies to my bnd-baseline-maven-plugin. Here's my setup:





bnd Configuration:


    Import-Package: javax.annotation,*,!org.bouncycastle.*
    -exportcontents: ${packages;VERSIONED}
    -conditionalpackage: org.apache.pdfbox.*,org.apache.fontbox.*,org.bouncycastle.*
    -plugin org.apache.sling.caconfig.bndplugin.ConfigurationClassScannerPlugin



After installing the bundle, I receive the following error:
sun.java2d.cmm.kcms -- Cannot be resolved and overwritten by Boot Delegation

Additionally, I see the following messages in the bundle:



6 Replies


Level 5

Hi @georhe6 


You could first check you Sling configs, maybe you have something in the bootdelegation property that leads to these errors.


Please rewd this documentation, maybe it helps https://sling.apache.org/documentation/configuration.html#osgi-boot-delegation-support-1


Level 4

Thanks @Tethich , for the feedback.

I did not make any changes at Sling configs level ,after adding these dependencies I am getting the error.


Community Advisor

@georhe6 The "Installed" state typically means the bundle could not resolve dependencies. Ensure all the transitive dependencies are resolved and versions are aligned as per the dependency related doc.

- Maybe try updating java to higher versions.

- Try updating pdfbox versions to the latest one.(supporting to current java/JVM)

- Maybe try adding this to the config.properties file:


- Or you could try Modifying the Bundle's Import-Package Directive to something like- Import-Package: sun.java2d.cmm.kcms;resolution:=optional



Level 4

Thanks @Manu_Mathew_ ,

We are using java 11 , I have tried with latest versions of pdfbox .
Can you please review the bnd config please.

Both pdfbox and felix are inside org.apache ,I assume some dependency conflict 


Community Advisor

Hi @georhe6 - Here's a thread from our community https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/can-we-use-pdf-library-wit... on similar issue. Seems like a lower version of the pdfbox works in some cases, and an alternate option of itextpdf has also been discussed.




Level 4

Thanks @Fanindra_Surat , Thanks
Similar issues I am facing with Itextpdf also,
Can you suggest any version which i can try